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No second monitor...?


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Hey all, my setup is below, I'm running with the newest version of NVInject that came with Leo4Allv3 (.21, I think?), and everything's been GREAT, but I just discovered that trying to use my second monitor is rather problematic.


I have a 22" Sceptre gamer montior for my primary display (DVI - 1680x1050), and I have a calibratable CRT video monitor I intend to use as my second display, and out SD video to is via Final Cut Pro's Desktop Digital Cinema preview. I hooked it up via the S-Video port on my video card, but to no avail. I even used a DVI to S-Video adapter on my second DVI port, but no workie either.


Anyone know if there's a fix for this, or if I'm doing something wrong?


Thanks in advance as always,


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hmm.... by the author's own hand, it doesn't change any of the functionality from NVInstaller.... Perhaps I should just run that on it, even though NVInject was included in Leo4All. maybe that'll fix it - I don't know if I'm up for a bunch of terminal work, I'm not a codeline guy anymore. (haven't really hacked anything since like 1993.)

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If you are going to try,you must delete NVInject or whatever you have for your graphic card after the string is installed (make a backup before).This will improve your skills for sure...

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Right. Well, I tried running NVInstaller, the latest version, and everything works except the dual monitor. Now I noticed something different upon logging in, whereas before it would say something along the lines of 1, display, 1, failed, now it says, 0, display, 1, display. The trouble here is I don't know if it just doesn't like my video monitor, or the converter I'm using, or if I've got a problem with NVInject... I've just got no way to test it, or to know if this fix will even work - I'm not even sure I DONT have dual monitor capability right now, see? Is there another way to test this?

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The GFX-strings works on that card with dual monitor support as you can see.Maybe you are missing something.Perhaps is the converter that you are using.I am not very sure...


Keep an eye on that thread...

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