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I think you want grub, not grub2.

Grub2 is still alpha, and I did read some reports of people not being able to boot OS X with it.

Grub is installed by default in most Linux distros (I use openSUSE 10.3) and Solaris 10 (Solaris doesn't support my SATA drive). FreeBSD gives you option of installing it too.


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I'm downloading BackTrack3 and installing it on that.

A Linux live CD (like backtrack3) will let you reinstall grub to MBR. I recently did that myself, as you have to remove grub from mbr to upgrade Vista to SP1. Personally, I use the OpenSUSE live CD, which also gives you the option of installing Linux.


However, you still need a partition for your grub files. And you need to put netkas' boot_v8 there also. And it can't be hfs+ or ntfs, as grub supports neither one. A Linux installation will set grub files up automagically. Adding boot_v8 and modifying menu.lst for Leopard is simple.


Using the Linux kernel boot method for pc_efi (follow link in my 1st reply) has fixed the hfs+ error you describe for quite a few people.


Good luck.

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