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Starting this new topic of mine would like some help in understanding the nature and the solution to my problem. I bought a new GPU from my local reseller hence my older didn't support neither qe nor ci so I bought an 2600 hd pro agp version which I was unable to work but I thought that this was an easy problem to solve and I carry on to tell you that I also bought a new dual core cpu the intel pentium dual core e2200 which I also installed. Hence my processor was supposed to be able to run the vanilla kernel I thought I'd give the vanilla kernel a go and to be sure that it would work properly I reinstalled my leopard configuration and this time also installed the vanilla kernel. Though the installation finished successfully I was not able to boot into my conf so I thought it must have been the dual cored cpu so I used the"cpus=1" command and I was able to get further to the part where I can see the apple logo booting but after a while it just stops working. I run the "-x -v" command and everything went on well though it stuck a the very end without any errors. I really need your help on this. My con is:cpu e2200, vga:sapphire hd2600 pro agp, mobo:asrock 775i65g, and I also have a usb wifi adapter from Belkin. Could someone please help on this? :(

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Starting this new topic of mine would like some help in understanding the nature and the solution to my problem. I bought a new GPU from my local reseller hence my older didn't support neither qe nor ci so I bought an 2600 hd pro agp version which I was unable to work but I thought that this was an easy problem to solve and I carry on to tell you that I also bought a new dual core cpu the intel pentium dual core e2200 which I also installed. Hence my processor was supposed to be able to run the vanilla kernel I thought I'd give the vanilla kernel a go and to be sure that it would work properly I reinstalled my leopard configuration and this time also installed the vanilla kernel. Though the installation finished successfully I was not able to boot into my conf so I thought it must have been the dual cored cpu so I used the"cpus=1" command and I was able to get further to the part where I can see the apple logo booting but after a while it just stops working. I run the "-x -v" command and everything went on well though it stuck a the very end without any errors. I really need your help on this. My con is:cpu e2200, vga:sapphire 2600hd pro agp, mobo:asrock 775i65g, and I also have a usb wifi adapter from Belkin. Could someone please help on this? :(


Oh come on guys it cant be that difficult. Masters of osx86 please help me on that

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