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DG33TL Success! (sort of)


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I managed to get 10.5.2 to install with the Vanilla 9.2.2 kernel using Leo4Allv3. I have a GeForce 8800 GTS OC 512MB that is fully working as well. When I did the original install I used the Nvinject 0.2.1 driver, but that did not work, so I installed the GeForce 8xxx driver from the disk and rebooted and to my surprise I got QE/CI and all the resolutions. I haven't gotten the audio or onboard LAN to work. Audio isn't a big deal since I have 3 USB devices and on board LAN seems impossible at the moment, but a cheap pci NIC will take care of that.


The only thing I'm really having trouble with is getting the IDE to work. According to the wiki it does work, but needs patching. All the entries say that the IDE needs patching, but nothing provides any information as to how to go about patching or which patch to use. I found the JMICRON 10.4.8 patch, but wasn't for sure if that's the one or not. Does anyone know what this fabled patch is? I really wanna get my DVD drive to work cause I'm cheap and don't wanna buy a SATA drive.


Thanks in advance for the help.

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