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Question about iAtkos 1.0 r2 image patching

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Hi all, I'm in trouble with the famous apple apci smc extension, so, reading all around forums I've found a kind of fix made by patching iAtkos image with kext from 10.4.8 version. My question is: there's no Extension dir under /System/Libraries , so where I've to put my fixed kext file? Can I manually create Extensions dir and then copy-past patched kext file? Does it work? Or there's another trick to fix iAtkos boot problem (some BIOS settings, I got an MSI p35 Neo2-fr mobo) ?



Any thread about apple acpi smc boot failure ends with no helpful reply and there are many users with the same problem, please, help us!!


I've tried also Kalyway dvd, no way, only reboots. Any help is welcome, sorry for my poor english.


Bye all

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