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iAtkos Problems


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So I have tried several diffrent combs on how to install mac on my dell. After i install and reboot its just a black screen with a flashing cursor. i downloaded Gparted like the instructions said and It is flagged as boot. I made sure when i partioned it that i used MBR. I formated it using mac os extended journaled. I tried useing both darwin bootloader and bootloader efi. Still when i boot i get black screen and cursor. PLEASE HELP!



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if just flagging bootable doesnt help also do:


dd if=/usr/standalone/i386/boot1h of=/dev/rdiskXsY bs=512 count=1

/usr/sbin/startupfiletool /dev/rdiskXsY /usr/standalone/i386/boot



btw.... there are dozens! of howtos for this problem

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in terminal of ur install dvd


you also have to replace the X and Y to match ur hdd and partition number! u will get this info in disk utility or in terminal with "diskutil list"


before the dd and startupfiletool command be sure to unmount your hdd either in disk utility or in terminal with "diskutil unmount diskXsY"

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ok i tried these two commands...



dd if=/usr/standalone/i386/boot1h of=/dev/rdiskXsY bs=512 count=1

/usr/sbin/startupfiletool /dev/rdiskXsY /usr/standalone/i386/boot


it did some things in the terminal then i rebooted and it still went to the black screen with the cursor.


Any other ideas? I have been working on this for hours and getting frustrated! :censored2:




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then try this:


diskutil unmount diskX


fdisk -e /dev/rdiskX


flag Y




dd if=/usr/standalone/i386/boot1h of=/dev/rdiskXsY bs=512 count=1

/usr/sbin/startupfiletool /dev/rdiskXsY /usr/standalone/i386/boot


if it doesnt work just repeat it some times... dunno why, but i had also to do it a couple of times until it worked

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I had the same issue with iATKOS on a Dell D630 here's a little easier solution I think that worked for me.


Installed iATKOS

reboot to a blinking cursor

download "Ultimate Boot CD" (google for it)

insert the ultimate boot cd and boot it.

navigate to MBRWork under "Filesystem Tools | Partition Tools | MBRWork"


it'll display a menu of choices just dont press anytyhing and it will load the default up. once you get to a black screen with numbered menu choices and a "Choose Option: _" prompt I did a:

"5" to install standard mbr

"Y" to confirm

"6" to set a partition active

"0" to set partition 0 active

"E" to exit.




reboot w/o CD and should be in iATKOS.

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Awesome! I got it to boot! It is very laggy though and the mouse does not respond well at all. That is my next problem. I might start over with install and select bootload efi this time. Any other suggestions.

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i tried installing the bootloader efi but when i reboot it goes to the bootloader and shows my harddrive and says to hit enter to load drive with no options or -v or ?. nothing works. it just sits there. idk why... so i am going back to the other bootloader option.


Dell E1505

Intel core 2 duo


1gig ram

nvidia geforce go 7300

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so i've not installed leo on a dell 1505 but i have on a D630 and i wanna buy a 1400 series. but you should take a look at this thread i've been posting on. the two should be close to the same base install wise.




and here's my instructions for a D630:


partition drive as MBR 1 partition and 1 word name as HFS+ Journaled.

customize install and only install

-iATKOS Main System

-expand bootloader and check "Darwin EFI" so it installs all 3 below. (Don't select darwin x86)

-dont select any of the patches

-under "Drivers | System" select "AppleSMBIOS.kext"

-dont select any of the network fixes

select "Done"


reboot to a blinking cursor

insert the ultimate boot cd and boot it.

navigate to MBRWork under "Filesystem Tools | Partition Tools | MBRWork"


it'll display a menu of choices just dont press anytyhing and it will load the default up. once you get to a black screen with numbered menu choices and a "Choose Option: _" prompt I did a:

"5" to install standard mbr

"Y" to confirm

"6" to set a partition active

"0" to set partition 0 active

"E" to exit.




reboot w/o CD and should be in iATKOS.

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