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Need help with editing kexts!

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I checked the HCL for 10.5.2 and there's a Dell Dimension E521 in there with similar specs to what my E521 has. What makes me curious is it has the same video card but says it is required to edit GeForce.kext and a few others.


look for yourself



What I need to know is, what am I going to need to edit? I'm assuming it'll be my device ID? How can I find that out?


I also don't have any of those kexts except for NVinject.kext




I added the device ID for my GeForce 7300LE to all of the kexts and removed all of the other dev id's and nothing worked. I did this for all of the files listed in the Wiki above.


So then I got my GeForce 7300 GT (got it for the purpose of osx) and I plugged in the devid 0x0393 in all of the above files and still got a kernel panic.


What am I doing wrong? Why is there a panic?


It seems that Leo4Allv3 has my devid incorporated into the install so i'm going to try that out but someone please help me out.

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