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Iatkos v1.oir2 safe mode


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Hi, having a problem as with prolly 75% of the users on the forum , my problem i jsut installed iatkos v1.oir2, well actually installed it like 20 times with different options, i finally have it working, but it only loads in Safe Mode, i can not get it too boot in any other mode, so i starit using -v -x cpus=1, it can boot without cd, if i jsut go -v cpus=1 it always crashed at the same spot, this is the alst two lines when it crashes


"MAc OS Version



Kernel Version

Darwin Kernel version 9.1.0 Fri Nov 16th 14:50:43 set 2007: made by TOH: xnu-12280.2~1/build/obj/RELEASE/I386"


When installed, only installed, darwin efi bootloader, Remove CpuPowermanagement, and Remover Thermal kexts.


So im not quite sure what the problem is, im going to assume its the kernel may need a patch, but if i could get some help or pointed tot he right direction that would be appreciated, thanks

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