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Intel ACPI tools. The NEW version 20150515 compiled by me from original sources. Use iasl compiler with your DSDTSE or another editor. To update your DSDTSE, simply right click on DSDTSE --> Show contents, drag'n'drop iasl into --> Contents --> Resources. Another editors have mostly the same way. Or another way by Terminal: drag iasl on Terminal window (bash), (press Return (Enter) to see all keys) -> write some keys, drag Aml/Dsl file to compile/decompile. This way you can more deeply configure/clean your DSDT during compile (especially with -w3 key), find more warnings and junk code, empty / uninitialized methods. Have a nice day good compilings! For MaciASL simply drag iasl to Contents --> MacOS and rename it to iasl5 (or iasl51 for MaciASL 1.3 b262+ builds)


Major tools and utilities:

  • iASL - ACPI Source Language Compiler, ACPI Table Compiler, and AML Disassembler
  • AcpiExec - Load ACPI tables and execute control methods from user space
  • AcpiDump - Obtain system ACPI tables and save in ASCII hex format
  • AcpiXtract - Extract binary ACPI tables from an ASCII acpidump
  • AcpiHelp - Help utility for ASL operators, AML opcodes, and ACPI Predefined Names

Miscellaneous utilities:

  • AcpiNames - Example utility that loads and displays the ACPI namespace
  • AcpiSrc - Convert ACPICA code to Linux format
  • AcpiBin - Miscellaneous manipulation of binary ACPI tables


Intel ACPI тулзы версии 20150515 скомпилированы мною из оригинальных сырцов. Для использования с ДСДТ редактором. Инсталим сюда: Открываем правой кнопкой по "любимому" редактору --> показать содержимое пакета --> Contents --> Resources --> перетаскиваем драг-н-дропом на эту папку файл iasl, на замену соглашаемся. Имеем свежий компайлер. Для MaciASL перетаскиваем в подпапку Contents --> MacOS и даем ему имя iasl5 (или iasl51 для современных билдов MaciASL 1.3 b262+ )


ACPISpec ver. 6.0 / ACPI Спецификации 6.0


ACPI Spec ver. 5.1 / ACPI спецификации версии 5.1

ACPISPec ver. 5.1 Errata A / ACPI спецификации 5.1 Исправления А


Attension / Внимание ::


Simple replacement of iasl compiler (iasl --> iasl5) in MacIASL leads to an empty window Summary, the bottom line shows correctly the number of errors / warnings / remarks, but the screen remains blank and errors addresses hard to find. This is the MacIASL's bug, not the compiler's.


Простая замена компайлера iasl (iasl --> iasl5) в MacIASL ведет к пустому выхлопу окна Summary, то есть количество ошибок / предупреждений / ремарок в нижней строке показывает корректно, но окно остается пустым и адреса ошибок найти сложно. Это баг самого MacIASL, а не компилятора.




To have a correctly disassembled DSL file w/o unexpected errors, you need to use the Terminal to decompile AML binaries. If you have a modern platform and more than 1 SSDT in your ACPI, you need to decompile all of them correctly. To decompile only DSDT.aml use -e key (to decompile in legacy ASL code mode you have to add -dl key instead of -d ) :

Чтобы получить корректно дизассемблированный DSL файл без непредвиденных ошибок декомпиляции, нужно использовать терминал для декомпиляции бинарников. Если вы владеете современной платформой и среди ACPI таблиц присутствует более 1 SSDT, необходимо их корректно декомпилировать. Чтобы декомпилировать только DSDT, используйте ключ -e: (для распаковки в легаси код ASL вместо ключа -d надо использовать новый ключ -dl ) :


New ASL+ decompile: / Декомпайл ASL+:

iasl -e SSDT*.aml -d DSDT.aml

iasl -e /@full_path@/SSDT*.aml -d /@full_path@/DSDT.aml

iasl -da /@full_path@/SSDT*.aml /@full_path@/DSDT.aml

Legacy ASL decompile / Декомпайл ASL легаси:

iasl -e SSDT*.aml -dl DSDT.aml

iasl -e /@full_path@/SSDT*.aml -dl /@full_path@/DSDT.aml

iasl -da -dl /@full_path@/SSDT*.aml /@full_path@/DSDT.aml

To decompile all DSDT & SSDTs use -da key:

Чтобы декомпилировать все DSDT и SSDT таблицы, используйте ключ -da:

iasl -da DSDT.aml SSDT*.aml

iasl -da /@full_path@/DSDT.aml /@full_path@/SSDT*.aml

Also add reference file ref.txt with unresolved External Methods and Argument count for each. Use -fe key:

Также можно добавить дополнительный реф.файл ref.txt c перечислением все еще нераспознанных методов и количество Аргументов для каждого. Используйте ключ -fe:

External (MDBG, MethodObj, 1) // <<<--- Unresolved Method with designated Arguments count

iasl -fe /@full_path@/ref.txt -e /@full_path@/SSDT*.aml -d /@full_path@/DSDT.aml

iasl -fe /@full_path@/ref.txt -e /@full_path@/SSDT*.aml -dl /@full_path@/DSDT.aml

iasl -fe /@full_path@/ref.txt -da -dl /@full_path@/SSDT*.aml /@full_path@/DSDT.aml

And more: if you need to decompile your custom DSDT with your patches, you need to use all of the SSDTs this time too.

В дополнение: если вы решили декомпилировать свою кастомную DSDT с примененными патчами, в этом случае также требуется использовать терминал и включить в декомпиляцию все SSDT таблицы.


Changelog 20150410:




08 April 2015. Summary of changes for version 20150515:


This release implements most of ACPI 6.0 as described below.


1) ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem:

  • Implemented runtime argument checking and return value checking for all new ACPI 6.0 predefined names. This includes: _BTH, _CR3, _DSD, _LPI, _MTL, _PRR, _RDI, _RST, _TFP, _TSN.
  • Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS-independent acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 32-bit compiler. The debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and has a much larger code and data size.


Current Release:

Non-Debug Version: 99.9K Code, 27.5K Data, 127.4K Total

Debug Version: 195.2K Code, 80.8K Data, 276.0K Total

Previous Release:

Non-Debug Version: 99.1K Code, 27.3K Data, 126.4K Total

Debug Version: 192.8K Code, 79.9K Data, 272.7K Total



2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:

  • iASL compiler: Added compile-time support for all new ACPI 6.0 predefined names (argument count validation and return value typechecking.)
  • iASL disassembler and table compiler: implemented support for all new ACPI 6.0 tables. This includes: DRTM, IORT, LPIT, NFIT, STAO, WPBT, XENV.
  • iASL disassembler and table compiler: Added ACPI 6.0 changes to existing tables: FADT, MADT.
  • iASL preprocessor: Added a new directive to enable inclusion of binary blobs into ASL code. The new directive is #includebinary. It takes a binary file as input and emits a named ascii buffer object into the ASL code.
  • AcpiHelp: Added support for all new ACPI 6.0 predefined names.
  • AcpiHelp: Added a new option, -d, to display all iASL preprocessor directives.
  • AcpiHelp: Added a new option, -t, to display all known/supported ACPI tables.



10 April 2015. Summary of changes for version 20150410:

  • Reverted a change introduced in version 20150408 that caused a regression in the disassembler where incorrect operator symbols could be emitted.


08 April 2015. Summary of changes for version 20150408:



1) ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem:

  • Permanently set the return value for the _REV predefined name. It now returns 2 (was 5). This matches other ACPI implementations. _REV will be deprecated in the future, and is now defined to be 1 for ACPI 1.0, and 2 for ACPI 2.0 and later. It should never be used to differentiate or identify operating systems.
  • Added the "Windows 2015" string to the _OSI support. ACPICA will now return TRUE to a query with this string.
  • Fixed several issues with the local version of the printf function.
  • Added the C99 compiler option (-std=c99) to the Unix makefiles.

Current Release:

Non-Debug Version: 99.9K Code, 27.4K Data, 127.3K Total

Debug Version: 195.2K Code, 80.7K Data, 275.9K Total

Previous Release:

Non-Debug Version: 98.8K Code, 27.3K Data, 126.1K Total

Debug Version: 192.1K Code, 79.8K Data, 271.9K Total



2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:

  • iASL: Implemented an enhancement to the constant folding feature to transform the parse tree to a simple Store operation whenever possible:

Add (2, 3, X) ==> is converted to: Store (5, X)X = 2 + 3 ==> is converted to: Store (5, X)

  • Updated support for the SLIC table (Software Licensing Description Table) in both the Data Table compiler and the disassembler. The SLIC table support now conforms to "Microsoft Software Licensing Tables (SLIC and MSDM). November 29, 2011. Copyright 2011 Microsoft". Note: Any SLIC data following the ACPI header is now defined to be "Proprietary Data", and as such, can only be entered or displayed as a hex data block.
  • Implemented full support for the MSDM table as described in the document above. Note: The format of MSDM is similar to SLIC. Any MSDM data following the ACPI header is defined to be "Proprietary Data", and can only be entered or displayed as a hex data block.
  • Implemented the -Pn option for the iASL Table Compiler (was only implemented for the ASL compiler). This option disables the iASL preprocessor.
  • Disassembler: For disassembly of Data Tables, added a comment field around the Ascii equivalent data that is emitted as part of the "Raw Table Data" block. This prevents the iASL Preprocessor from possible confusion if/when the table is compiled.
  • Disassembler: Added an option (-df) to force the disassembler to assume that the table being disassembled contains valid AML. This feature is useful for disassembling AML files that contain ACPI signatures other than DSDT or SSDT (such as OEMx or other signatures).
  • Changes for the EFI version of the tools:

1) Fixed a build error/issue

2) Fixed a cast warning
  • iASL: Fixed a path issue with the __FILE__ operator by making the directory prefix optional within the internal SplitInputFilename function.
  • Debugger: Removed some unused global variables.
  • Tests: Updated the makefile for proper generation of the AAPITS suite.


04 February 2015. Summary of changes for version 20150204:


This release is available at https://acpica.org/downloads


ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem:

  • Updated all ACPICA copyrights and signons to 2014. Added the 2014 copyright to all module headers and signons, including the standard Linux header. This affects virtually every file in the ACPICA core subsystem, iASL compiler, all ACPICA utilities, and the test suites.
  • Events: Introduce ACPI_GPE_DISPATCH_RAW_HANDLER to fix GPE storm issues. A raw gpe handling mechanism was created to allow better handling of GPE storms that aren't easily managed by the normal handler. The raw handler allows disabling/renabling of the the GPE so that interrupt storms can be avoided in cases where events cannot be timely serviced. In this scenario, handlers should use the AcpiSetGpe() API to disable/enable the GPE. This APIwill leave the reference counts undisturbed, thereby preventing unintentionalclearing of the GPE when the intent in only to temporarily disable it. Rawhandlers allow enabling and disabling of a GPE by removing GPE registerlocking. As such, raw handlers much provide their own locks while using GPE API's to protect access to GPE data structures. Lv Zheng
  • Events: Always modify GPE registers under the GPE lock. Applies GPE lock around AcpiFinishGpe() to protect access to GPE register values. Reported as bug by joe.liu@apple.com.
  • Unix makefiles: Separate option to disable optimizations and _FORTIFY_SOURCE. This change removes the _FORTIFY_SOURCE flag from the NOOPT disable option and creates a separate flag (NOFORTIFY) for this purpose. Some toolchains may define _FORTIFY_SOURCE which leads redefined errors when building ACPICA. This allows disabling the option without also having to disable optimazations.

David Box


Current Release:

Non-Debug Version: 101.7K Code, 27.9K Data, 129.6K Total

Debug Version: 199.2K Code, 82.4K Data, 281.6K Total




07 November 2014. Summary of changes for version 20141107:


This release is available at https://acpica.org/downloads

  • This release introduces and implements language extensions to ASL that provide support for symbolic ("C-style") operators and expressions. These language extensions are known collectively as ASL+.

1) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:

  • Disassembler: Fixed a problem with disassembly of the UartSerialBus macro. Changed "StopBitsNone" to the correct "StopBitsZero". David E. Box.
  • Disassembler: Fixed the Unicode macro support to add escape sequences. All non-printable ASCII values are emitted as escape sequences, as well as the standard escapes for quote and backslash. Ensures that the disassembled macro can be correctly recompiled.
  • iASL: Added Printf/Fprintf macros for formatted output. These macros are translated to existing AML Concatenate and Store operations. Printf writes to the ASL Debug object. Fprintf allows the specification of an ASL name as the target. Only a single format specifier is required, %o, since the AML interpreter dynamically converts objects to the required type. David E. Box.

(old) Store (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate(Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate ("", Arg0),": Unexpected value for "), Arg1), ", "), Arg2)," at line "), Arg3), Debug)(new) Printf ("%o: Unexpected value for %o, %o at line %o",Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)(old) Store (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate("", Arg1), ": "), Arg0), " Successful"), STR1)(new) Fprintf (STR1, "%o: %o Successful", Arg1, Arg0)

  • iASL: Added debug options (-bp, -bt) to dynamically prune levels of the ASL parse tree before the AML code is generated. This allows blocks of ASL code to be removed in order to help locate and identify problem devices and/or code. David E. Box.
  • AcpiExec: Added support (-fi) for an optional namespace object initialization file. This file specifies initial values for namespace objects as necessary for debugging and testing different ASL code paths that may be taken as a result of BIOS options.

2) Overview of symbolic operator support for ASL (ASL+)


  • As an extension to the ASL language, iASL implements support for symbolic (C-style) operators for math and logical expressions. This can greatly simplify ASL code as well as improve both readability and maintainability. These language extensions can exist concurrently with all legacy ASL code and expressions.
  • The symbolic extensions are 100% compatible with existing AML interpreters, since no new AML opcodes are created. To implement the extensions, the iASL compiler transforms the symbolic expressions into the legacy ASL/AML equivalents at compile time.
  • Full symbolic expressions are supported, along with the standard C precedence and associativity rules.
  • Full disassembler support for the symbolic expressions is provided, and creates an automatic migration path for existing ASL code to ASL+ code via the disassembly process. By default, the disassembler now emits ASL+ code with symbolic expressions. An option (-dl) is provided to force the disassembler to emit legacy ASL code if desired.

Below is the complete list of the currently supported symbolic operators with examples. See the iASL User Guide for additional information.


ASL+ Syntax Legacy ASL Equivalent

// Math operatorsZ = X + Y Add (X, Y, Z)Z = X - Y Subtract (X, Y, Z)Z = X * Y Multiply (X, Y, Z)Z = X / Y Divide (X, Y, , Z)Z = X % Y Mod (X, Y, Z)Z = X << Y ShiftLeft (X, Y, Z)Z = X >> Y ShiftRight (X, Y, Z)Z = X & Y And (X, Y, Z)Z = X | Y Or (X, Y, Z)Z = X ^ Y Xor (X, Y, Z)Z = ~X Not (X, Z)X++ Increment (X)X-- Decrement (X)// Logical operators(X == Y) LEqual (X, Y)(X != Y) LNotEqual (X, Y)(X < Y) LLess (X, Y)(X > Y) LGreater (X, Y)(X <= Y) LLessEqual (X, Y)(X >= Y) LGreaterEqual (X, Y)(X && Y) LAnd (X, Y)(X || Y) LOr (X, Y)(!X) LNot (X)// Assignment and compound assignment operationsX = Y Store (Y, X)X += Y Add (X, Y, X)X -= Y Subtract (X, Y, X)X *= Y Multiply (X, Y, X)X /= Y Divide (X, Y, , X)X %= Y Mod (X, Y, X)X <<= Y ShiftLeft (X, Y, X)X >>= Y ShiftRight (X, Y, X)X &= Y And (X, Y, X)X |= Y Or (X, Y, X)X ^= Y Xor (X, Y, X)

3) ASL+ Examples:

Legacy ASL:If (LOr (LOr (LEqual (And (R510, 0x03FB), 0x02E0), LEqual (And (R520, 0x03FB), 0x02E0)), LOr (LEqual (And (R530,0x03FB),0x02E0), LEqual (And (R540, 0x03FB), 0x02E0)))){And (MEMB, 0xFFFFFFF0, SRMB)Store (MEMB, Local2)Store (PDBM, Local1)And (PDBM, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF9, PDBM)Store (SRMB, MEMB)Or (PDBM, 0x02, PDBM)}ASL+ version:If (((R510 & 0x03FB) == 0x02E0) ||((R520 & 0x03FB) == 0x02E0) ||((R530 & 0x03FB) == 0x02E0) ||((R540 & 0x03FB) == 0x02E0)){SRMB = (MEMB & 0xFFFFFFF0)Local2 = MEMBLocal1 = PDBMPDBM &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF9MEMB = SRMBPDBM |= 0x02}Legacy ASL:Store (0x1234, Local1)Multiply (Add (Add (Local1, TEST), 0x20), Local2, Local3)Multiply (Local2, Add (Add (Local1, TEST), 0x20), Local3)Add (Local1, Add (TEST, Multiply (0x20, Local2)), Local3)Store (Index (PKG1, 0x03), Local6)Store (Add (Local3, Local2), Debug)Add (Local1, 0x0F, Local2)Add (Local1, Multiply (Local2, Local3), Local2)Multiply (Add (Add (Local1, TEST), 0x20), ToBCD (Local1), Local3)ASL+ version:Local1 = 0x1234Local3 = (((Local1 + TEST) + 0x20) * Local2)Local3 = (Local2 * ((Local1 + TEST) + 0x20))Local3 = (Local1 + (TEST + (0x20 * Local2)))Local6 = Index (PKG1, 0x03)Debug = (Local3 + Local2)Local2 = (Local1 + 0x0F)Local2 = (Local1 + (Local2 * Local3))Local3 = (((Local1 + TEST) + 0x20) * ToBCD (Local1))



What's New in Version 20150515


  • https://github.com/acpica/acpica/blob/master/documents/changes.txt

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