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Myths - You will harm your system as root


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Incompetence, not root or sudo can harm your system.

I can install or restore a system in 45 minutes to an hour. I just installed a new system on a laptop and it took about 45 minutes for the install and all my settings (because I have my scripts).

Should my computer die for any reason, or if I make some incompetent mistake with root or sudo (I haven't yet in 30 years), I am ready to restore a system in less than an hour.


If you can't do the same, you will have just as much grief when your computer dies as if you make an error with sudo.

Finally, to be a good beta tester for Linux, you should use the user account.

I am a bad beta tester, I have no user account at all "Long Live Root!"

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It's not all about human errors, it's about security too. Running the graphical session as root is plain stupid, but using the shell as root come down to experience. I usually have a root shell opened and my system run fine and clean since 2007 (Gentoo).

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