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ASRock X58 Extreme

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Did anyone have success with this mobo? From what I see, it has basically the same components as the GA-X58-UD5, so the installation would probably be identical:




Lan: RTL8111DL

Audio: ALC890 (only difference)



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  • 2 weeks later...
I looked around for ages trying to find info on people who have used it before. I gave up in the end though and just bought it. I guess we'll see what happens when I try to install!



Please be so kind to inform us about your experience after your experiments! :)

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I did the same thing and just gave up and bought it. Kalyway 10.5.1 and iatkos v7 wouldn't boot with and ide drive. Got a sata drive earlier today and it's all good. Usin iatkos v7 it booted successfully using cpus=1 and busratio=20. It installed ok using this install (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=172097), but will not boot afterwards without setting it to cpus=1 busratio=20.


I didn't have to change the power settings to get it to boot. (disable speedtep etc.)


Not sure where to go from here.. its basically pointless limited to a single core... If I can get it running properly though.. be amazing.



Asrock x58 Extreme

Core i7 920

6gb OCZ ddr1600

MSI R4890


I'll try to update this if I come up with anything.

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  • 2 months later...
I did the same thing and just gave up and bought it. Kalyway 10.5.1 and iatkos v7 wouldn't boot with and ide drive. Got a sata drive earlier today and it's all good. Usin iatkos v7 it booted successfully using cpus=1 and busratio=20. It installed ok using this install (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=172097), but will not boot afterwards without setting it to cpus=1 busratio=20.


I didn't have to change the power settings to get it to boot. (disable speedtep etc.)


Not sure where to go from here.. its basically pointless limited to a single core... If I can get it running properly though.. be amazing.



Asrock x58 Extreme

Core i7 920

6gb OCZ ddr1600

MSI R4890


I'll try to update this if I come up with anything.


I have running 10.5.7 iAtkos.

I used DSDTSE v1.2.1

Then just select in the DSDT Hacks cpus=1 fix

Then extract

erase the aliases als descriped in the thing you had before,

then compile

then install on your drive


You now can put your cores on all end use hyperthreat on enabled


good luck

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I am currently working on an SL install for this board. I have attached a DSDT.aml that has the CMOS reset bug fixed as well as the alias lines removed.


Just stick it in your /Extra folder and repair permissions on it. Still working out the kexts.


can't find the dsdt.aml file

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OK, well I am washing my hands of this board. Sadly I never got a retail installation to work in SL or Leopard. I could boot my retail installs with cpus=1, but the DSDT.aml that works for me under iAtkos would not work with my retail installs. Or, I am missing some APCI kext that I need.


Using iAktos v7 I installed without any problems. That distro makes it very easy on this board. However, iAktos does not do the DSDT correctly, so I deleted the DSDT it installs (have to enable viewing hidden files) and install the attached DSDT.aml.


I have also attached my /Extra folder. I have everything working except the firewire and ATA DVD drives. That worked OOB in retail Leopard, but for some reason iAktos did not install whatever was necessary for it. Maybe I missed a check box.


I used Voodoo HDA because I could not get my sound working with far superior HDAEnabler methods under the iAtkos install. Again, I had perfect sound under retail, but crappy voodoo sound with iAtkos. It does at least work though, just not the full 6 channels I had with a retail install.


I also got my GTX285 working with dual monitor support, but not hot pluggable. Whatever. I used NVenabler.kext and then edited NVResman.kext and NVDANV50Hal.kext to add my device ID and revision to the .plist. All 3 of those files must go in to /S/L/E, not /E/E. Also, since NVenabler loads an Apple ROM image my GTX285 only has 1GB of RAM under OS X. One can edit that, but I did not.


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Sorry, dumb question here, but how do you install the new dsdt.aml?


Actually also after some research on it, it looks like your dsdt.aml would be specific to your hardware (including gfx etc.) and thus wouldn't be the right one for me to use? I also noticed that the system is reporting that I have 6 gigs of ddr2 667 (???) rather than 6 gigs of ddr3 1600... This is obviously completely wrong, because i7 systems only run on ddr3, I'm hoping that a fixed dsdt.aml will fix that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Did anyone have success with this mobo? From what I see, it has basically the same components as the GA-X58-UD5, so the installation would probably be identical:




Lan: RTL8111DL

Audio: ALC890 (only difference)




I have a working snow leopard retail installation on my Asrock X58 Deluxe. The only Problem i have is to get ALC890 working. I don't want to use Voodoo.


I use the new EFI Bootloader with a DSDT.aml I created on iAktos v7 and the following kexts:

fakesmc.kext (newest version)


NullCPUPowerManagement( you don't need this. I didn't have any kernal Panics without this kext but someone said that the CPU could run hot without it)

OpenHaltRestart(I need it that the system shuts down correctly an reboots correctly)

AppleIntelPIIXATA(works also without it)


IONetworkingFamily(just copy the kext in the extensions folder in the EFI Partition to solve depencies with RealtekR1000)


in the com.apple.boot.plist I inserted the EFI String of the Grafic Card.

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I've got the ASRock X58 Extreme MOBO as well, so I'm very interested in hearing people's results. Unfortunately I am completely new to hackintosh, but if others find some kexts that work with this board I'm all ears. Any luck with the sound?

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  • 3 months later...
I finally gout the sound working. Without Voodoo. I patched my dsdt.aml. I would start a new topic but it seems that i don't have the rights :(


Gah! That would be amazing, I gave up ages ago, just decided to randomly check today and see if anyone had gotten anywhere, and lo and behold! I'm not very crafty, and don't have much time these days so I walkthrough type deal would be awesome, or just some nicely organized info and links to the kexts/other files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I have


an intel i7 920 cpu

Asrosck x58 xtreme motherboard

Corsair 6gig 1600 ddr3 dominator memory

Ati radeon hd 5700 series


should i even try? or am i just out of luck?


I'll pay anyody $50.00 to help me configure my rig i'm in Los Angeles


Thank you



I finally gout the sound working. Without Voodoo. I patched my dsdt.aml. I would start a new topic but it seems that i don't have the rights :D



Hey Deisi here are my specs:

intel i7 920 cpu

Asrosck x58 xtreme motherboard

Corsair 6gig 1600 ddr3 dominator memory

Ati radeon hd 5700 series


should i even try? or am i just out of luck?

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  • 3 months later...

Ok I've had it with this heres my setup asrock x58 i7 920 EVGA G.skill 9800 6GB triple channel I would love to pay someone to install snow leopard and get it running smoothly and I don't need sound. 75$ and 50$ if you get me what I need to get this working.

I live in northern MI amztroyer@att.net

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  • 1 month later...

ok im up and running ASRock X58 i7 920 I had to switch video cards frome the evga 9800 GT to a PALIT GeForce 9500GT, I used iatkos s3 heres how I did it, I have a mac so I extracted iatkos s3 and I used disk utility to restore it to my 8 gig usb drive im sure you could use a an 8.5 gig dvd but I didnt have one, o and one thing I had to convert iatkos s3 iso to dmg to restore it than I used empire EFI to make a boot cd and thats it boot and install. I spent weeks working on a retail install but Im not that good and got frustrated

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ok im up and running ASRock X58 i7 920 I had to switch video cards frome the evga 9800 GT to a PALIT GeForce 9500GT, I used iatkos s3 heres how I did it, I have a mac so I extracted iatkos s3 and I used disk utility to restore it to my 8 gig usb drive im sure you could use a an 8.5 gig dvd but I didnt have one, o and one thing I had to convert iatkos s3 iso to dmg to restore it than I used empire EFI to make a boot cd and thats it boot and install. I spent weeks working on a retail install but Im not that good and got frustrated


But what BIOS settings did you had??? I am still having problem even installing it.

Tried many things. But everytime i press the Retail dvd to boor or iatkos. It automaticly resets my PC...


Can you tell me what bios settings you had?

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