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About This File

I have Intel Wifi so need to wait for network to be up

I created this app to WAIT for NETWORK to be up, sometimes it is fast to come up and

sometimes it is slow.

I'm running Thunderbird as a login app

Its comes up if wifi is connected 

and errors out if not.


This app puts a delay and waits for NETWORK to be up then runs ThunderBird, No more error


I also have steam loading as well

It errors out if network not up

So I do same as TB


Run Automater and load Delay into it and tailor make it for your own needs


Edited by STLVNUB
More Info

What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


Make sure TBirdDelay.app is a login app

TBirdDelay waits for NETWORK to be up, then calls SteamDelay

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