How to Delete Files on iPhone

Are you struggling with a cluttered iPhone? This guide will walk you through various methods to efficiently delete files from your iPhone, helping you free up space and keep your device running smoothly. Whether you’re looking to clean up photos, manage documents, or clear out old apps. In this article, we’ll explore the built-in capabilities of the Files app, introduce ways to automate deletion with shortcuts, and discuss using cloud solutions to manage your storage needs.

These steps work well on most iPhone models running iOS 17, including the latest iPhones (iPhone 13, 14, and 15).

Use the Files App to Delete iPhone Files

One of the most direct ways to manage and delete files on your iPhone is through the Files app. Introduced in iOS 11, this app provides a user-friendly interface to access and organize your documents, images, videos, and more. Here’s how you can use the Files app to delete iPhone files

  1. Open the Files app on your Files app
  2. Tap ‘Browse’ at the bottom of the screen if you’re not already in the browsing view.Tap 'Browse'
  3. Locate the folder containing your downloads. This could be under ‘On My iPhone’, ‘iCloud Drive’, or within a specific app folder.Find downloads folder
  4. Find the files you want to delete. You can use the search bar at the top to help find specific file types like PDFs or documents.Find the files you want to delete
  5. Select the file(s) by by tapping at the ‘…’ menu and choosing ‘Select,’ then tapping any files you want to downloads to delete
  6. Tap the trash icon, if prompted –  confirm by tapping ‘Delete.’delete downloaded files

By following these steps, you can easily manage your files and free up space on your iPhone. The Files app also allows you to organize files into folders, making it easier to keep track of important documents or images. This method is straightforward, but for those looking for even more automation, the next section on automating file deletion with shortcuts will be particularly useful.

To permanently delete files on iPhone, go to the ‘Recently Deleted’ folder within the Files app, select the files again, and delete them permanently. This ensures they are not taking up space in your storage.

Automate File Deletion with Shortcuts

For iPhone users seeking a more efficient way to manage file deletion, the Shortcuts app offers powerful automation capabilities. This tool allows you to create custom shortcuts that can perform tasks automatically, such as deleting old or duplicate files without manual intervention. Here’s how to set up a shortcut to clear iPhone files:

  1. Download the Shortcuts App: If it’s not already installed, download the Shortcuts app from the App Store.
  2. Create a New Shortcut: Open the Shortcuts app and tap the ‘+’ icon to create a new shortcut.
  3. Add Actions: Tap ‘Add Action’, then search for and select actions related to file management, such as ‘Find Files’ and ‘Delete Files’.
  4. Specify Criteria: Set parameters for the files you want to target, like files older than 30 days, or files in a specific folder.
  5. Test Your Shortcut: Run the shortcut to ensure it works as expected, making adjustments as needed.
  6. Automate the Shortcut: After testing, you can automate the shortcut to run at specific intervals, such as daily or weekly, by setting it in the app’s automation tab.

This automation not only simplifies the process of file management but also ensures that your iPhone remains clutter-free without regular manual upkeep. Next, we’ll explore how integrating cloud solutions can further enhance your ability to manage iPhone storage efficiently.

How to Delete Other Files on iPhone

In addition to documents and typical file types, your iPhone also accumulates a variety of other data including photos, videos, and app-related files. These files often consume significant storage space and may require different approaches for effective management and deletion. This section will cover alternative methods to delete these various types of files, ensuring you can maintain optimal storage capacity on your device.

1. Delete App Files on iPhone

Too many hidden files in your apps can slow down your iPhone. Here’s how to remove these files from iPhone from apps like social media or multimedia apps without deleting the apps themselves.

Regularly removing unused app files can significantly improve your iPhone’s performance.
  1. Go to the desired app.
  2. Check within the app’s settings for any options to clear cache or other storage.delete spotify temp files

For apps that do not support cache clearing within their settings, you might need to delete and reinstall the app to clear all associated data:

  1. Press and hold the app icon on your Home screen.
  2. Tap the Remove App on the dropdown menu and confirm by tapping menu on home screen
  3. Reinstall the app from the App Store if you want to use it again.

For more on how to keep your iPhone running smoothly, see Apple’s official storage management tips.

2. Delete Documents on iPhone

If you are specifically looking to target documents and similar files on your iPhone, you can find these in the Files App. Here is a straightforward method to delete these files from your iPhone’s storage.

Note: Always check the file size before deletion, as documents with images tend to occupy more storage.

  1. Open the Files app on your Files app
  2. Tap ‘Browse’ at the bottom if you are not already in the file view.Tap 'Browse'
  3. Navigate to the location where your documents are stored, such as ‘On My iPhone’ or ‘iCloud Drive’.where your documents are stored
  4. Locate the documents you want to delete. You can use the search feature for specific file types or names.find your documents
  5. Select the documents by tapping at the ‘…’ menu and choosing ‘Select,’ then tapping any other files you want to documents for deletion
  6. Tap the trash can icon and confirm your choice by tapping ‘Delete’.delete selected documents

To permanently delete files on iPhone, remember to empty the ‘Recently Deleted’ folder:

  1. Go to the ‘Recently Deleted’ folder located in the ‘Files’ app.go to recently deleted files
  2. Select individual files to delete permanently all files or choose Delete All.permanently delete all files
  3. Confirm your choice to clear the files from your device completely.

3. Delete Music Files on iPhone

If you need to clear some space or just tidy up your music library, clearing this type of iPhone files from your iPhone is straightforward. Here’s how you can do it quickly:

  1. Open the Music app on your iPhone.Open the Music app
  2. Locate the song or album you want to delete.look for song or album to delete
  3. For a song, swipe left on the song name and tap Delete.delete single song
  4. For an album, find the album, tap ‘More’ (the three dots), and then select Remove...delete album

This approach helps keep your iPhone’s music library manageable and your device’s storage free from unnecessary clutter.

4. Delete Video Files on iPhone

Now we’ll cover how to find and delete video files from your iPhone, including those stored in the Photos app and videos downloaded from streaming services such as Netflix and Apple TV.

Delete Videos from the Photos App

  1. Open the Photos the Photos app
  2. Tap on the ‘Albums’ tab and open the ‘Videos’ the 'Videos' album
  3. Tap ‘Select’, then choose the videos you wish to videos to delete
  4. Tap the trash can icon and confirm by selecting ‘Delete Video’.delete selected videos

Delete Downloaded Movies and TV Shows in Streaming Apps

  1. Open the Streaming app.
  2. Go to ‘Library’ and choose ‘Downloaded’. Find the movie or TV show you want to delete.downloaded files apple tv
  3. Swipe left on the title and tap ‘Delete’.delete video in streaming app

Managing your video storage by deleting unneeded files helps keep your iPhone running smoothly and efficiently. For more detailed instructions on managing storage, visit Apple’s guide on iPhone storage.

5. Delete Multiple Media Files on iPhone

Need to clear up space quickly? Deleting multiple files at once on your iPhone is a straightforward process that works similarly across various apps. Whether you’re in the Photos or Files app, the steps to select and delete items in bulk are quite similar.

  1. Open the app where your files are stored (Photos, Files, etc.).
  2. Tap ‘Select’ usually located in the upper right corner of the screen.Tap Select
  3. Touch each file you want to remove to select it. If you want to select a range of photos quickly, drag your finger across the files you want to multiple photos
  4. Once you’ve selected the files, tap the trash can icon.delete multiple files at once
  5. Confirm the deletion by tapping ‘Delete’ or ‘Delete [number] Items’ to finalize the removal.confirm deletion of multiple files

Deleting files in bulk can help you manage your iPhone’s storage faster and easier.

6. Delete All Files on iPhone

Performing a factory reset on your iPhone is a surefire way to delete all files and reset the iPhone to its original settings. This process is particularly useful if you’re planning to resell your iPhone or need a fresh start. Here’s how to do it:

Important: Be sure to back up your iPhone before proceeding to avoid irreversible loss of your photos, documents, and other important data.

  1. Go to the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap General and scroll down to find Transfer or Reset iPhone.go to transfer or reset settings
  3. Select Erase All Content and Settings.Erase All Content and Settings
  4. You may be asked to enter your Apple ID password or device passcode.
  5. Confirm your choice to erase everything. Your device will restart as part of the reset process.Confirm erasing

This action will delete all files, remove all settings, and reinstall the operating system. Your iPhone will appear as it did when it was first unboxed, with no personal data.

Utilize Third-Party Apps to Delete Files on iPhone

While the built-in tools on your iPhone are useful for basic file management, third-party apps can offer advanced functionalities for managing and deleting files easier. Here’s a look at some robust apps designed to help with file management on your iPhone.

  • Cleaner – Clean Up Storage: This app is geared towards optimizing your iPhone’s storage by cleaning up useless junk files, managing large files, and organizing photos efficiently. It can significantly reduce clutter by identifying rarely used apps, old photos, and redundant files that are safe to delete. It’s particularly effective for those looking to free up space quickly and safely. Cleaner for iPhone
  • Boost Cleaner: Boost Cleaner is highly effective at quickly scanning your device for unused and unnecessary files. It can help you delete cache data, old messages, and temp files that take up space without offering any utility. Additionally, Boost Cleaner can manage applications that are memory hogs, optimizing your iPhone’s performance and battery life.Boost Cleaner
  • Cleaner Kit: Cleaner Kit is not just about cleaning up space; it also focuses on optimizing your iPhone’s overall efficiency. It analyzes your battery usage, helps manage file storage, and provides detailed reports on how space is being used on your device. It’s particularly useful for users who want to extend their device’s battery life while keeping their storage neatly organized.Cleaner Kit

These apps enhance your ability to manage your iPhone’s storage by allowing you to efficiently remove unnecessary files, duplicate photos, and more. They provide an overview of your storage usage, making it easier to decide what to delete. As always, ensure you download reputable apps by checking user reviews and ratings.


Clearing out unwanted files from your iPhone can help it run better and give you more space for things you actually need. By following the methods in this article, you can easily learn how to manage and delete different files in different apps on your iPhone. Make it a habit to check and clean up your iPhone regularly, and you’ll keep it running smoothly. For more detailed tips, check out the Apple support links provided in each section of this guide.


You can find the files you want to delete in the Files app on your iPhone, which aggregates documents and other file types stored both locally and in iCloud. Additionally, specific types of files, like photos and music, can be found and managed directly within their respective apps (Photos app, Music app, etc.).
When you delete a file on your iPhone, it isn’t immediately removed from your device. Instead, it is moved to the Recently Deleted folder. This folder holds the files for 30 days, allowing you the option to recover them if you change your mind within that time frame.
To permanently delete files from your iPhone, you need to empty the Recently Deleted folder. You can do this by opening the Files app, navigating to the Recently Deleted folder, selecting the files you want to remove forever, and then choosing the option to delete them permanently.
To delete multiple files at once, open the Files app and navigate to the location containing the files you want to remove. Tap ‘Select’ in the top right corner of the screen, then tap on each file you wish to delete to select them. After selecting all desired files, tap the trash can icon to move them to the Recently Deleted folder. You can follow the same process within specific apps for their respective file types (like photos or emails).
Yurii Kulynych is a skilled professional who continues to work in Quality Assurance (QA) for InsanelyMac while also starting to write articles. He has a strong eye for detail and extensive experience in ensuring content quality, especially in areas like data recovery, understanding macOS/iOS, and storage solutions for Apple devices. Yurii excels in writing easy-to-follow guides and putting together helpful toolkits.
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