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# Automator & R


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It works via Terminal/iTerm/totalterminal with $BASH & $ZSH:
1) cd /Directory/ShinyApp
2) Rscript -e 'shiny::runApp(("/Directory/ShinyApp"),launch.browser=TRUE))'

Result: Browser starts and a shinyapp* is running. Perfect!

*Shiny: http://shiny.rstudio.com

I try to create a app via automator - for our dummies. They should start the application with a simple doubleclick. 


But automator cant execute the second part (Rscript -e 'shiny::runApp(("/Directory/ShinyApp"),launch.browser=TRUE))').
There is no Error. It runs and runs without any result.

"chmod 0755 ShinyApp" is no solution. 
What is the "trick" behind this? Whats the difference of "Execute Shellscript" via Automator an the direct way via Terminal?


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