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HP 1101 + NetbookBootMaker 0.8.4 RC1 = cannot prepare internal drive


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I am new here (thus can only post within 'New Users Lounge'..) and hope this hasn't been discussed; I did search without much luck here or with google.


The tutorial I am following : http://www.mymacnetbook.com/2010/03/16/gui...ompaq-mini-700/


The problem : When I get beyond the Apple setup process (which did not actually work due to the screen), I attempt to prepare the harddrive with NetbookBootMaker (which was downloaded from here : http://osx.mechdrew.com/downloads/ -- both 0.8.4 RC1 and 0.8.4 RC1fix were tried) ‘Select USB Partition:’ does not give me my drive as an option to be prepared for boot. It only prompts for the USB stick, if it is connected to the system.


To be clear -- I am currently booted from the USB stick I used to install with into the HD I performed the install on. In fact, I unmounted/disconnected the USB stick and am currently running OS X from the internal HD. Unfortunately when I reboot without the USB stick, I am told my cpu is unsupported and to shut the machine off.


I also tried running NetbookInstaller and selecting only Install Chameleon 2 NBI bootloader with my internal drive as the target but this also yielded the failed booting symptoms.


Can anyone help get me to the right place?

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