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el coniglio

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el coniglio last won the day on May 14 2012

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  1. Save the binary data to a file and use the Import command. /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Import :IOKitPersonalities:HDA\ Hardware\ Config\ Resource:HDAConfigDefault:0:AFGLowPowerState tmp.bin\" plist" where tmp.bin is the binary file.
  2. All versions (mac and win/lin) were updated. - Mac version now has the "check compatibility" feature - pci ids (http://pciids.sourceforge.net) list was updated - A bug that was preventing the icon from being updated was fixed - General parsing fixes for cases where vendor and device were misplaced The web browsing interface (olaria.com/kexts) for transmitted data was updated too, now it support Lion.
  3. I can read a key that is not listed in 'smc -l'. I got these results after reading the TC0D key with 3-4s interval on a macbook air. TC0D [sp78] (bytes 32 60) TC0D [sp78] (bytes 32 90) TC0D [sp78] (bytes 33 10) I'm not sure about its format, but I'd guess its the temp in celcius * 0xFF.
  4. @blackosx I don't know if these keys are 'default' or injected as additional features by fakesmc (or plugin). In apple hardware I don't know if these keys aren't present or the "smc" command just can't access them. I tested on a macbook air and I got only 10 keys in the command line output, 8 of them start with A (ACEN, ACFP, etc).
  5. @blackosx I'm not sure if its a JVM array limitation (prob not) or a limitation of the combobox component, or something else. If you post a text file with your "smc -l" output I can check it out.
  6. As I responded to forch in a PM it must be something (comment maybe) breaking the Scope pattern. The [child] tag is a reference to where the inner node will be placed, for those who use the "node editor" function it is pretty common to face these [child].
  7. @Peter_sm These should be "generic" patches maldon use on many packages, just check one of them. I picked one randomly (Gigabyte GA EP35-DS3R), in the description it states the package has RENAMED, REMOVED, etc. In the patch.txt you can easily find each part since the code is commented. # Rename device AZAL to HDEF and change all references to it *I think* these code blocks may vary depending on the mobo, so I don't know from which maldon took the code to fix your dsdt, but picking up any you can have an idea on what it is doing and having the patched dsdt you can look it out.
  8. The patches are in a folder called "packs" into Contents/Resources/Java. The "patch.txt" has the patches in some kind of "language" I created to script patches, it is pretty simple. If you want to play around with code/individual patches use the DSDT Editor, this Auto-Patcher is a simplified interface to it by the way. It just turn things automated so unexperienced users can easily patch based on mobo "packs". These patches maldon listed are packed into the editor, they are also in the editor topic. Editor: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=223205
  9. The tab isn't enabled b/c a hardware item has been stated as working with many kext versions (and OS, since the system differ SL and Leo). If you want to view the listing to verify if they are "native" or 3rd party you can do this in the web interface http://olarila.com/kexts/
  10. Original post updated with a linux version (depends on jre and "lspci"). Please test. =)
  11. Well, he is talking about System Info, not DSDT Editor. System Info won't work on linux since it use the windows registry to collect the system hardware data. oldnapalm sent me the lspci output, tomorrow I'll code a parser for it and make a system check in the app.
  12. It is pretty simple to port it to linux, just add a OS check and call the right "system parsing" class. On windows it collects data from registry, on linux it will open a thread with lspci and parse the output. The app (communication / interface) is written in java so it just depend on jre.
  13. Ty. Done already.
  14. @fbifido Yeah, both apps share the same classes so any update would affect the two apps. =)
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