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Which softwares are safe work on Kalyway 10.5.2


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I installed Kalyway 10.5.2 amd then everything went well on Pc.

My computer is Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939, dual core 4200+ , BFG 6800 Ultra, Maxtor 200 GB sata, 4 time 512 of rams = 2GB .

sound great, internet great, everything good, anyway let me know what softwares are best for this. like photshop , any games, any applications.


thank you kalyway

you give me new mac

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chipgeek, Yes it is safe to set-up time machine BUT! you will have to re-install the bootloader from USB stickdrive if you do a full system restore. This isn't too bad and I can PM you a tutorial that explains how to do it.



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Chip, that's just fine but Kaly uses PC EFI and when you do the restore it wipes that out. So upon restart you get to a point and the machine just hangs. Again not a big deal, check your PM and then decide if Time Machine is something you want to mess with.



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The only program that broke my Kalyway install was Time Machine update. However a fix is to reisntall the Kalyway kernel before you restart the computer immmediately after the Time Machine update.


Besides that, there isn't a single program that won't run on my Hackintosh. I've tried iworks, CS3 suite, office 08, final cut studio 2, aperture 2.1, ilife 08, candybar, heaps of other software, they all run well.

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Thanks nikonnut , for PM me. but hold for time machine later. I afraid if mac would broke. I will figure out because I am new at this.

By the way. exman , I will look for some softwares to install on mac, ok thanks for let me know.

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DO NOT use DiskWarrior on a hackintosh. It does something to the MBR and you won't be able to boot it anymore. But there is this patch for Disk Warrior 4 that allows it to run properly on a hackintosh without damaging it, but use at your own risk.

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The only program that broke my Kalyway install was Time Machine update. However a fix is to reisntall the Kalyway kernel before you restart the computer immmediately after the Time Machine update.Besides that, there isn't a single program that won't run on my Hackintosh. I've tried iworks, CS3 suite, office 08, final cut studio 2, aperture 2.1, ilife 08, candybar, heaps of other software, they all run well.
Microsoft office 2008, ?



Anybody try BRYCE 6.0 on Kaylway?

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Please use the edit function next time instead of posting 5 times in a row ;) Anyway, Office 2008 does work on a hackintosh, have no clue about Bryce 6.0 though. Boot Camp is useless on a PC, it just provides an easy way to dual boot on a MAC, for PCs if you want to dual boot just use Acronis/Darwin bootloader/GRUB/Windows bootloader, whatever, Boot Camp is not necessary. If you have a GUID partition it can be resized with Disk Utility I'm pretty sure. Most/all of the games I have tried work, Cro Mag Rally, Nanosaur 2, Enigmo, Redline, etc.

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