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So I finnaly got my onboard Soundmax working (Asus K8V-SE Deluxe) With all the help on this forum! So I was completly happy!


Then I thought, lets install Vent, so I can play some wow or sumthing...




Crackle in the sound back, playback is worst ever!

Now I restored my AppleAC97Audio.kext and changed all the values(read: added ADS70 to the Codec.kext) and I got my slider and all. But it won't restore to my beautifull crisp sound I got before installing.


So I nosed around a bit in the Ventrilo install package and came accros some Framework Names and such. Though, no extensions or anything i could find.


Any one has a solution for this? Can I see which files are installed last on my system, and maybe delete them manually?


Think its using a Codec which Ventrilo installed all the time or something. Its just really really bad quality.(Speex codec) But I can't find anything about that on my mac either..

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