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Best App.


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What is the best App. for someone who is starting to jump into the Web Design world on Leopard?

Also where can i find the best like prices on the Domain name and Hosting space?



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HTML and Dreamweaver. I sadly do not know HTML, but I figured out how to make sites on my own through its design mode. As far as domain names and hosting space, I do know that Comcast offers free internet web hosting, if your a subscriber.

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I don't like bloated WYSIWYG programs like Dreamweaver.


I will likely be the only one here that will tell you to pick up a good text editor, and start learning to write beautiful, standards based XHTML and CSS by hand. I prefer to do all of my web design that way. :(

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Using DreamWeaver will take you in to the realm of a million problems


Only if you're using its more advanced features. I use it because I prefer the way it highlights code when there is inline scripting involved, and nothing I've used so far has been able to match it.


Though I've only stumbled upon Coda ...

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