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after a lot of troubles i have been able to get iAtkos 5.1 working on my machine but there are a few problems that are troubling me


my config is:


intel p4 see3 3GHz

intel 865gbf motherboard

display: onboard

512 mb ram


1. i have to keep hyper-threading off

2. it only boots if the iAtkos dvd is in the tray

3. i cant change the resolution from 1024x768 as it is the only option shown

4. frontrow shows a black screen thats it

5. iWork 08 is freezing (worked fine on tiger 4.


any help would be appreciated thank you

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iAtkos has a bootloader installer in Utility menu. Boot with iAtkos DVD and go to Utility menu and run install bootloader.


As far as display is concerned, get a cheap second hand GeForce FX5200 card and you should get full QE/CI. The built in display on 865bgf is too crappy to handle any OpenGL graphics.

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