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Hi everybody,


After an succeeded install of Leopard 10.5.2, I had minor problem with USB.

But finally resolved here http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=93480 thanks Vash :offtopic:

But, if I reboot, I have to type this command one more time (also, after 5 or 10 minutes Leo is working, I have to retype this command, otherwise, I can't use USB ports).


Now, if I want USB at startup, it seems I need a script launching at each startup with this


  sudo su -
  type your password
  rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/caches

Something like that

If possible, I would like that this script runs silently.

With AppleScript, it could be possible?


Thanks for help! :(


PS: I have opened the same topic in OSX Intsallation, by error, wrong place, but I can't delete. If a modo can delete, Thanks!

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try like this:


echo `cat /password.txt` | sudo -S rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/caches


Put your root password into the file /password.txt but please be aware that this is a potential security risk!


OK, Komeet, but, I'm a noobie: which application I use? TexEdit? TextMate? and what's the extension file?

for the security risk, I know


Another discover: if I let my printer on, when I (re-)boot Mac OSx, USB keys are mounted and my printer is functional without any manipulation.



Additionally, my printer is an All-in-one PSC 1300 series; printer is OK, not my scanner (not detected??).



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