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Intel Quad Q6700 and Intel DG965WH Problems


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First of all I have Intel Quad Core Q6700 and intel motherboard DG965WH both of which are Leopard compatable from what I can find. I have 3GB ram. IDE and SATA hard drives, IDE DVDRW.


I downloaded Kalyways newest disk for intel and tried installing. It gets to the apple white screen but stalls there with the spinning circle. I tried using f8 and using -v -x and vanilla options but all had the same result.


So then I downloaded the Iatkos disc, same thing.... I even downloaded Kalyways Tiger disk and having same problem.



Does anyone have any ideas what is causing me to get snagged up on install? Any help would be appreciated. Please reply or PM me.



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Same problem here, its the ICH8 controller on the Intel 965 chip set, Do some searching on ICH8 and 965 chipset, you need to make some bios changes, On my system I am not able to make the bios changes needed so I am not able to install on this system.

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