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trouble when search


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Since yesterday evening, following message is returned when performing any search:



The error returned was:


Erreur Sphinx : connection to unix:///var/socketproxy/insanelymac.com/searchd:3312 failed

Merci de contacter un Administrateur !




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goto www.google.com and use this syntax when searching:

<Query> site:http://forum.insanelymac.com


you can use all search modifiers there - much better than insanelymac forum search.

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I'm going to put in my word of... question? And ask why does this forum's Search blow so much cow? I mean, this is a great forum, but the search is Terrible! I searched "Age of Empires" and it returned every topic that had "of" in it. I mean, come on! Is there anyway to make it slightly better?

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Yes the search does stink and I have no clue why its not being put in first priority, although attempts to fix it have been made. Apparently the staff is coming up with a brilliant idea to improve search...But I doubt Age of Empires would get you many results in the first place :P The way to make it better is outlined in zarac's post :)


P.S. Don't get any ideas that I am tracking your post history, just cause I happen to go wherever you post ^_^ It seems like destiny...

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Yep, we're working on it guys. I'm not sure what caused it to break, but we've came up with an idea which could revolutioise your searching experience on InsanelyMac.


Shouldn't be long now... :D

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Just to add some background to this problem... I can understand why the search sucks so much, but just so you don't think we are ignoring the issue, here is the problem.


Doing raw free-text searches against a database of this size makes the search too slow and fulltext indexing in mysql sucks ass anyway. So we use Sphinx, which periodically crawls the topic and post tables on the database and creates a much better fulltext index than mysql.


Sphinx has several modes of operation including: ANY, ALL, or ADVANCED. This mode must be chosen (by the IPB code) when doing a search against sphinx. ANY means return posts containing ANY of the terms. ALL means return posts with ALL of the terms.. :D (sorry if this is getting painful) ADVANCED provides a complex syntax for doing extremely advanced searching.


Originally we had the search method set to ADVANCED but this meant that searches like '10.5.1' would not work as expected since the '.' is a search modifier. Obviously there is a way to get around this in the search syntax but on balance it was decided that it was more important to be able to easily search for things like 10.5.1 than to have the full search syntax...


So we switched the search mode to ANY instead... We also discussed adding an option to select the search syntax method on the advanced search page but we simply haven't got around to it yet (now is an extremely busy time at Fubra as we are migrating all of our sites out of one of the datacentres).


If someone has a better idea then I'm all ears, and I'm sure the webmasters would be too...


How about this for an idea though: If you don't want to return every post with 'of' in it, try searching for 'age empires' instead... Seems obvious to me :D

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