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:) hi guy....i have run in to some trouble here!

i have the Mac OS X 10.4.8 [JaS AMD-Intel-SSE2-SSE3 with PPF1 & PPF2]


my hardware is ...athlon 3000+

msi rs480(939 socket Mb)

512 ram


i tried and installed the tiger using the VmWare workstation couple of times!(loading the image of the os}and i was succesful


but then i decided to dual boot my sys with xp and tiger ,,,

so i burnd the image on to DVD using nero!

but my problem is when i boot frm the dvd

i can not continue with the installation because the os doesnt detect my keyboard or mouse(i have ps/2 mouse and keyboard)



and am stuck at the frist screen.... :)

wat should i do...!!

i want ur experties plzz

am still a rookie with mac os!

plzz help


  • 2 weeks later...

remove anything attached to the computer with a USB then try using only ps-2 keybord and mouse if this didn't work >> don't remove them just add a usb keybord ..


happen to me all the time . it was hard to figure what was the problem .. so give it a try and till us what happend


my regards


yahya :D

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