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I as wondering if kalyway will install on my emachines pc with Intel pentium 4 HT and ATI Radeon 200 graphic card.


Here is a pic of my system...


So Can i install kaylway on it? If I can can someone please give me the instructions



lol, does someone else wipe your ass after you take a :) too? :D

wow, if you cant do basic research then you shouldn't be trying this...


Start here: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=77069

Almost useless screenshots.. Try, for a chance CPU-Z and post all tabs, if you don't know your chipsets/controllers.

Anyway , from what i see you would have internet out-of-the-box, no video acceleration. I think your proc has sse3 so no emulation.

Good luck with your effort, remember the wiki, do some serches based on device-ids (you're sure to find other people with your chipsets). Anyway couldn't hurt to try a uphuck/kalyway dvd.

ok, here goes my opinion

- you can install without sse2 emulation - but no vanilla because you don't have intel chipset MB.

- your controller is an ati controller, i don't know if kaly-dvd has the id included in appleviaata, i know for sure uphuck 1.4i has (i got a laptop on that chipset and it worked with 1.4a - a comes from amd( you need i)) - but there are ways to add a kext to the instalation dvd, just search around. No EFI imo.

-ATI Radeon 200 - no quartz , from what i know - only Callisto drivers for you. Anyway in your case it seems integrated, just get a cheap 7xxx series nvidia, that'l do the job.

-sound - i think it's a ALC861 see here http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...mp;#entry557253

good luck installing..

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