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OMFG NOW ITS NOT WORKING! Theres always something, goddamnit...

I don't know what I did this time. After I got the video working, I just browsed some stuff, restarted to see if it would work again, and BOOM it doesn't!


All I get is a blue screen with my cursor. If I press the power button on my computer the desktop will show up for a second and shut off.

The desktop that pops up is the desktop that was there when I last shut it down, as in the windows still being open etc.

Ok I lied, stupid goddamn video drivers. I might as well NOT have them because the only thing I need them for is to change my resolution, even with the installed display drivers the dock still moved around slowly and {censored} so whats the point of having them? I can still manually change my resolution through the Darwin bootloader.


So heres what I am going to do, ONCE AGAIN. I'll just install Tiger again, get it updated to 10.4.11, install office 08 again and get the audio and internet drivers on there along with the display drivers (hopefully they will work) then i'll install Leopard and PRAY that they will still work. If not, i'll just keep the internet and audio drivers, thats all I really need.

Alright guys!

I finally got everything I want!


The only thing, I'm not using real video drivers. I edited my com.apple.Boot.plist file so during boot it boots to a certain resoultion. Other than that, its finally finished.


Actually this is 10.5, not 10.5.1. I'm afraid that if I upgrade to 10.5.1 it will screw things up.

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