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Yesterday, O2 announced that they were increasing the amount of minutes that the iPhone users in the UK got. The rates are substantially lower, and show that Apple and O2 do want more users to buy an iPhone.

The new deal will give up to three times as many free calls and text messages for the same price, with £35 tariff customers – who form the bulk of the user base – receiving 600 free minutes per month instead of 200.
But the £55 a month tariff is disappearing - you'll get the same minutes and text for £45 or you can upgrade to £75. For £75 a month you get 3,000 minutes and 500 texts.
The £269 cost of the iPhone itself remains unchanged, and the length of all new contracts will remain at 18 months, said the company. It also confirmed that the iPhone's free access to wireless internet provided by Cloud will stay in place.




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Yesterday, O2 announced that they were increasing the amount of minutes that the iPhone users in England got


I think youll find that the contract is also available in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, often collectively referred to as "the UK"

still a crappy deal, who actually pays for a handset in the UK


I can understand if it was on, say a £10 a month contract, where you need to pay a fraction of the price of the phone because it cannot be covered by the monthly fee..

But on a £75 a month contract, you should get the phone free.


Also, where is the Pay as you go version!!


Some of us would like an iPhone, but don't want to be forced to have to pay a flat rate, regardless of what they use.


My pay as you go phone costs me about £5 a month. I top up ten pounds, then it lasts me 2 months. Also, every time I top up, Orange gives me 600 free texts and 10mb of web browsing for free. It's a brilliant deal, and is one of the reasons why I stick with Orange, rather than going to O2 (apart from the superior 3G coverage and decent customer service and prices :) )


I guess I'll always be bitter until they have a 3G, Pay As You Go iPhone on Orange, because anything else is a downgrade for me.

I can understand if it was on, say a £10 a month contract, where you need to pay a fraction of the price of the phone because it cannot be covered by the monthly fee..

But on a £75 a month contract, you should get the phone free.


Also, where is the Pay as you go version!!


Some of us would like an iPhone, but don't want to be forced to have to pay a flat rate, regardless of what they use.


My pay as you go phone costs me about £5 a month. I top up ten pounds, then it lasts me 2 months. Also, every time I top up, Orange gives me 600 free texts and 10mb of web browsing for free. It's a brilliant deal, and is one of the reasons why I stick with Orange, rather than going to O2 (apart from the superior 3G coverage and decent customer service and prices :unsure: )


I guess I'll always be bitter until they have a 3G, Pay As You Go iPhone on Orange, because anything else is a downgrade for me.


Exactly, iPhone just isn't good enough compared to other available handsets for them to charge for it in addition to a monthly fee. Its a pretty naff phone, alright it looks good, but feature wise its 3 years old. I'd take it on a £25 a month and free handset at most.

I got a txt about this morning, am quite chuffed really as I was ummming and errring for a while over whether to go for the £35 or £45/month package... went for the £35/month and now I'm essentially getting the £45/month package for the price I'm happy to pay! Cheers O2!

Numberzz great find :rolleyes:


I agree with most here that if you're going to have to pay £35 (I'm not even going to start on the £75) per month on a contract, then the phone should be free or substantially subsidised (at least in the UK). For some reason Apple don't seem to have understood this rational. I'm disappointed to say that it seems all they are interested in is luring us in and sucking us dry.


I could just about understand this if they received little or no money from the actual monthly rental fee. But it's been reported they in fact may be receiving up to 40% of all the taking from O2. This is a major reason as to why other networks backed down. The percentage is so high that it's also been claimed O2 may actually be making a loss and will continue to do so for at least the next 2-3 years.


The iPhone is an amazing phone and some will argue worth every penny. Another reason I fail to agree with such ludicrous comments is because the tariff was just so {censored} (can I say that here?). I mean come on, £35 a month for 200 minutes and still pay the £269 - are you having a laugh? I go through something around 700-1000+ minutes each month.


Also let's compare it with what I've currently got. I've got a N95 with 500 mins xnet and 200min landlines with a free handset on a 12 month contract with Orange for only £15/month. True it's an upgrade offer, but just look at the amazing difference. On top of that I get a feature called Magic Numbers where I can call another Orange number for free in the first 6 months and two in the next 12 months (this type of stuff if used wisely can save buckets of cash). The closest thing the iPhone has is Unlimited O2 – O2 calls £7.50 - wouldn't it have been nice to have something similar to magic numbers thrown in also.


Saying all that I have to say I was really glad to hear that O2 were going to triple the £35 minutes. Because there was no way I was ever going to pay £35/month (although my monthly costs often go above £75) on a tariff and what's more only get a measly 200 minutes too. Now that it's more in line with what I consider reasonable it finally means I really can start considering getting the iPhone at some point.


New Tariff:


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