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I've just installed 10.4.5 on an old 1.8ghz Celeron with 256mb RAM. For some reason XP started running incredibly slow on the system, this is why I installed OS X. To my surprise it runs great, better than XP ever did, sound works which is awesome. Not sure if the graphics do, but I'm using a 1024 x 768 monitor anyway. Absolutely love it!


The only problem is, when I turn on my machine I get the black 'Darwin x86' screen firstly, which asks about startup settings and counts down. But then when I press enter to start up I get Matrix like text flashing really fast down the screen for a few seconds, then another black screen telling me whats loading and whats not kind of thing. Then after a while the desktop loads and everything's fine.


I would rather have the apple logo screen though when I switch my computer on.

How do I go about doing that?

And how do I go about doing that?


Open finder go Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration


copy com.apple.Boot.plist to your desktop


open it with text editor


remove "-v"




replace the one in Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration with the one on your desktop


open terminal and type


cd /Volumes/"your hard disk"/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration


sudo chown -R 0:0 com.apple.Boot.plist

sudo chmod -R 755 com.apple.Boot.plist

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