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also hab kalyway auf einem hp6720s installiert kann den setup nicht beenden

der setup wird immer nach der datenübertragung (danach kommt lan einrichtung) abgebrochen und er beginnt wieder von vorn ???



wer kann mir helfen ???




How to: Install Error loop at account creation


Issue: Upon install, the process hangs in an infinite (?) loop circling between chosing language and creating / transferring an user acount ("Do you already own a mac?").

According to the forum, the problem seems to be connected to problems concerning the network card.


Solution 1: Importing an account from an existing (Tiger) installation.


Solution 2: Booting with the flag "Graphics Mode"="640x480x32". The resulting low screen-resolution prevents the setup screen, thus skipping the "loop". As one is not able to create a new username, only the default "admin" is created. This can be changed later on.


Solution 3: Some people reported success with disabling the network card in the bios or disconnecting the cable.


Solution 4: Boot using "-s" flag then type ->


/sbin/mount -uw /


passwd root <- Type any password you want


touch /var/db/.AppleSetupDone



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