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Look at the Gigabyte DS3* Series. I made an Install guide for the GA-P35 DS3L and the board cost only $90 bucks. If you want more features you can opt for the DS3P and DS3R which i believe have more features and are well supported but are also more expensive.


here is my install guide http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=83689

btw it is fully working pretty much.


i did the same thing as u, i had that same motherboard... as hard as it was to give up the probably better quality of a $200+ board, Leopard was worth it to me though. See my Specs for my info

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its not a slow motherboard. It just doesnt have raid and some extra features.. if anything.. with its new chipsets and nice build, its actually faster than my other boards. Like i said if u want more stuff.. go for the higher ones in the series. Like DS3R or P. Or u can get an Asus P5W DH Deluxe. OR intel Badaxe 2.

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