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OMG i so can't believe i just did that!


ok then here's the thing i was trying to open an .kext and edit it as you do....

but i double clicked it and then a msg came up asking me to associate the kext files with text edit and foolishly i clicked it to say yes! then all me nice ikkle white brick icons on the .kext disappeared OMG and they became folders with all bits in....

everything works a treat but ...


is there a way to change it back?

before you ask i never even did a back up 1st TSK TSK naughty boy slaps hand!


any help really appreciated before i go down the path to reinstall NO!!!!



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Ok it has got to be something to do with setting default applications. Just cant find that preferance dialog in leopard.

Ah found it its called RCDefaultApp download it and bobs your uncle.

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ya just try rebooting or open a terminal and type sudo killall Finder

EDIT: just for the record kexts are just folders with a strange extension so the kernel knows to differenciate them from normal folders.

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