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Hi guys.


I followed the following instructions on the installation of Leopard using the iAtkos DVD. http://inihilist.wordpress.com/2008/01/07/...and-fool-proof/


The instructions were for Vista but I used them anyways, and the installation went fine.


One small problem though. The final part of the instructions requires the bootloader to altered so to give the option at startup of XP or Leopard. On Vista, you do so by using the "bcdedit" command in command prompt. Sadly I can't do that in XP and will have to alter the bootloader final manually.


The following is the present coding in the bootloader.ini file


[boot loader]



[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect



Partition 2 is Windows XP and Partition 3 is Leopard.


Anyone know what the altered bootloader code should be to give me an option between the two ?


Thanks guys.



Hi guys.


I followed the following instructions on the installation of Leopard using the iAtkos DVD. http://inihilist.wordpress.com/2008/01/07/...and-fool-proof/


The instructions were for Vista but I used them anyways, and the installation went fine.


One small problem though. The final part of the instructions requires the bootloader to altered so to give the option at startup of XP or Leopard. On Vista, you do so by using the "bcdedit" command in command prompt. Sadly I can't do that in XP and will have to alter the bootloader final manually.


The following is the present coding in the bootloader.ini file


Partition 2 is Windows XP and Partition 3 is Leopard.


Anyone know what the altered bootloader code should be to give me an option between the two ?


Thanks guys.




You'll need to active your XP partition first. Then, on on your XP partition, add the file Chain0 (google it) to C:.

Then open boot.ini (hidden system file in C:) and add the line: C:\chain0="Mac OS X86"




That oughta give you a menu at startup.


OK. I've set it up with the chain file, but I still must select XP as the default system.


I've gone into Command prompt and typed



"select disk 0"

"list partition"


I can now see that partition 2 is the XP partition.


What is the command to make partition 2 my default at boot ?


Thanks again, help is most appreciated.

OK, I thought I had everything sorted but sadly I don't.


On startup, I have the choice of either XP or OSX.


When I chose XP it works fine, but when i chose OSC, it just brings me back around to the selection screen again.


Any idea what I've done wrong ?

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