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Command & Conquer 3


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I've got Command & Conquer 3 mac version and when I run it, all I get is a black screen with a mouse pointer. nothing else.


I am using OSX 10.5.1 with vanilla kexts, NVinject 0.2.1 with an Nvidia 7950GT video card. As far as I can tell, I do have full 3D support.


I have tried another game, Colin McRae, which works OK apart from grey 3D in the menu.


Anybody having this problem?

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've got Command & Conquer 3 mac version and when I run it, all I get is a black screen with a mouse pointer. nothing else.


I am using OSX 10.5.1 with vanilla kexts, NVinject 0.2.1 with an Nvidia 7950GT video card. As far as I can tell, I do have full 3D support.


I have tried another game, Colin McRae, which works OK apart from grey 3D in the menu.


Anybody having this problem?



I have ATI x1950xtx.

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I changed resolution and screen depth and nothing happend. Then i tried to disable fullscreen also nothing happend. Also i tried to turn on displaysettingsdialog. No results.



"defaultscreenwidth" = "800"

"defaultscreenheight" = "600"

"screendepth" = "32"

"enable3d" = "1"

"fullscreen" = "1"

"showfps" = "0"

"displaysettingsdialog" = "0"



"defaultscreenwidth" = "800"
"defaultscreenheight" = "600"
"screendepth" = "32"
"enable3d" = "1"
"fullscreen" = "1"
"showfps" = "0"
"displaysettingsdialog" = "0"

"allocsystemcolors" = "100"
"copydefaultcolors" = "0"
"privatecolormap" = "N"
"perfectgraphics" = "N"
"managed" = "Y"
"desktop" = "No"
"usedga" = "N"
"usexshm" = "Y"
"dxgrab" = "Y"
"usexvidmode" = "Y"
"usexrandr" = "N"
"desktopdoublebuffered" = "Y"
"textcp" = "0"
"showfps" = "Y"
"showmem" = "N"
"videoram" = "256"
"agpvertexram" = "128"
"nv_var" = "Y"
"arb_vbo" = "Y"

"anisotropictexturefiltering" = "Y"
"vertexshaders" = "Y"
"pixelshaders" = "Y"
"pixelshaderslevel" = "2.0"
"clipspacefix" = "Y"
"fragmentoffset" = "Auto"
"fixedprogram" = "Y"
"rectangletextures" = "Auto"
"dynamicvbo" = "Y"
"indexvbo" = "Y"
"fbo" = "Y"
"glsl" = "M"
"vertexshaderslevel" = "2.0"
"floattextures" = "Y"
"occlusionqueries" = "Y"
"fbobackbuffer" = "Y"

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