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I am installing Leo right now, i have just got up and it is 10.05 british time.

When the basturd installer came up, it told me, it needed 380MB!!to install leo, meaning there is enough leo there for helf of IM. so i went to customize and then it turns out i don't need the other 370MB, and it is gonna install 0 bytes! BUT THE F*CKING THING IS STILLING 30 MINUTES TO INSTALL! WTF!!

Any ideas on how to let leo go to sleep, or shutdown preferable and make sure it will boot back up? because installing it is pissing me off. Its got so bad i think i may "have to downgrade "to a more older, more friendly" experiance, of Tiger.


I got iWork, iLife, Office and MSN, internet, and sound, i am on AMD proccessor, and i didn't need to patch a thing.

WHY DOES IT F*CK UP AFTER A SHUTDOWN. the computer tells me to insert backup disk. and i am like "f*ck off".

do you think it could have something to do with the realtek family fast ethernet adapter?


Hope my info help you help me :(


Think Mark

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