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I got an Leapord upgrade disc with my iMac, and I want to try out Leapord on my Compaq laptop - pretty much just to see if it will work or not.


I am using the "BrazilMac-9a581-Patch" downloading from a torrent site. I have copied my Leapord cd into a toast file then converted it into a dmg and have named it "osx-leopard105.dmg" and it is sitting on my Desktop.


When I run the patch, i get the following output:


Macintosh:~ chris$ sudo -s
bash-3.2# cd Desktop
bash-3.2# dirs
bash-3.2# ./9a581-patch.sh
Converting DMG to editable image...
Reading Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0)…
Reading Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1)…
Reading Macintosh (Apple_Driver43 : 2)…
Reading Macintosh (Apple_Driver43_CD : 3)…
Reading  (Apple_Free : 4)…
Reading Macintosh (Apple_Driver_ATAPI : 5)…
Reading Macintosh (Apple_Driver_ATAPI : 6)…
Reading  (Apple_Free : 7)…
Reading Patch Partition (Apple_Patches : 8)…
Reading disk image (Apple_HFS : 9)…
Elapsed Time:  6m 35.209s
Speed: 20.6Mbytes/sec
Savings: 0.0%
created: /Users/chris/Desktop/leopard.iso.cdr
Mounting new ISO read-write...
/dev/disk1          	Apple_partition_scheme         	
/dev/disk1s1        	Apple_partition_map            	
/dev/disk1s2        	Apple_Driver43                 	
/dev/disk1s3        	Apple_Driver43_CD              	
/dev/disk1s5        	Apple_Driver_ATAPI             	
/dev/disk1s6        	Apple_Driver_ATAPI             	
/dev/disk1s7        	Apple_Patches                  	
/dev/disk1s9        	Apple_HFS                      	/Volumes/osx-leopard105
Waiting for leopard.iso to be mounted...
Renaming image to osx86dvd...
Disk Utility Tool
Usage:  diskutil rename MountPoint|DiskIdentifier|DeviceNode newName
       diskutil renameVolume MountPoint|DiskIdentifier|DeviceNode newName
The new name is subject to file system-specific naming restrictions.
Rename and renameVolume are synonyms.
Ownership of the specified volume may be required.
Example:  diskutil rename /Volumes/SomeDisk SomeNewName
Removing Xcode Tools...
Removing X11user and 6 languages files...
Removing minibless...
Removing printer packages...
Removing OSInstall...
Removing Kernel files...
Removing Boot-related things...
Removing Extensions...
Removing files Needed for kernels without power_management_init called
Replacing minibless...
cp: /Volumes/osx86dvd/Install Mac OS X.app/Contents/Resources/minibless: No such file or directory
chown: /Volumes/osx86dvd/Install Mac OS X.app/Contents/Resources/minibless: No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/osx86dvd/Install Mac OS X.app/Contents/Resources/minibless: No such file or directory
Replacing OSInstall.mpkg...
cp: /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg: No such file or directory
chown: /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg: No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg: No such file or directory
Replacing boot-related files...
cp: /Volumes/osx86dvd/usr/standalone/i386: No such file or directory
cp: ./files/i386: unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/osx86dvd/usr/standalone/i386: No such file or directory


And so on. It jsut says "No such file or directory" for almost every file. Is this because the Upgrade ile structure id different and i need to get my hands on a Retail DVD, or is there something I am doing incorrectly.




I got an Leapord upgrade disc with my iMac, and I want to try out Leapord on my Compaq laptop - pretty much just to see if it will work or not.


OK. First things first. It's LEO-PARD not LEAP-ORD :hysterical:


And so on. It jsut says "No such file or directory" for almost every file. Is this because the Upgrade ile structure id different and i need to get my hands on a Retail DVD, or is there something I am doing incorrectly.


Did you look to see if under /Volumes you have 'osx86dvd' mounted? (use 'ls -l /Volumes')


If you look at your script output you will see that it's complaining about incorrect usage of diskutil's rename command. I would try again with a new image, and please - dont use TOAST images. Put the DVD in the drive and run Disk Utility. Next click on the disk in the left hand pane, then select 'New Image' from the Toolbar. Leave all the settings as they are, but save it as 'osx-leopard105.dmg'. Try the script again.


As for whether the upgrade DVD is different, I don't know. I wouldn't have thought so, this isn't windows land (even with Windows 95 there were probably about 6 different versions around... some things don't change).

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