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Juicy 10.5.2 Goodness


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Back at WWDC this past summer, one of the great new features Steve demoed in Leopard was stacks. It had this great way of being able to select a certain group of apps, dragging them to the Dock, and making a stack. Fast forward to October, Leopard is released and this feature is nowhere to be found. What happened? Was it too buggy of a feature to make it to the Gold Master? Well, whatever the reason was, it turns out Apple is bringing back the almighty group-apps-as-a-stack feature to the Dock and Stacks in the new 10.5.2 update for Leopard.


Aside from bringing back the stacks-awesomeness, 10.5.2 will include a hefty 72 bugfixes and patches for your OS X install, ranging from issues with wireless and airport to memory leaks and issues with PowerPC apps on Intel. The update is expected to debut during the MacWorld expo, which will take place mid-January.

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Did they really say that you can group random items together to make stacks? The only things I've read about so far are the ability to assign stacks a custom dock icon and to get the classic "menu" view when clicking a stack folder (similar to how folders were handled in 10.4's dock.)


Got a news source? I might've missed some details.

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i found an article suggesting how to make stacks perfom the way they did in the demo. basically, create aliases to the apps you want in a stack, move them to a folder, and then make a stack from that folder. i moved all the apps i had on the dock in to stacks like i just mentioned, and it is a really nice way to clean up my workflow.

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