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Hi people,


I manage to get a working OS 10.4.9 and a firewire with Texas chipset 800, but i have a little problem with Logic pro 8.


I have a Saffire 26 audio card, which is ok with my mac, in info mac show it, but when i open Logic and try to do anything, like recording, i see a pop up message and say something aabout ASIO....


(ASIO) is not available...


And i cannot hear any sound out of it.....


Can anyone help me??

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the only reason logic (osx) ever brought up the word asio was when i had imported documents from the pc. try trashing the logic prefs, or if u need to work on a song from a pc version, then you may have to change the audio objects that u r using, in the environment, from asio to core audio - it worked in logic 7.. hope that helps..


also.. which firewire card r u using? i have a TC konnekt 24D hooked up to a belkin firewire 400 pci card with an agere chipset and i get dropouts all the time in osx and vista.. TC told me to get a card with a texas instruments chipset and i want to get firwire 800 and pcie.. the only thing i can find that fits my requirements and is both osx and vista compatible is an SIIG card..


which card r u using and do u have any problems?


Dell Dimension 9200

Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4

4 GB ram

640 GB SATA 2 RAID 0

500 GB SATA 2

Belkin Firewire 400 pci

TC Electronic Konnekt 24D

Novation Remote SL ZERO

Universal Audio UAD-1 pci DSP Accelerator


Logic Studio 8

Various UB Audio Units

Thank you Sethius for your answer, indeed it was a project from Logic 5.5 that i want it, i try your suggestion and see....


My firewire is 800 and i buy it from here...http://ebwstore.com/osc/product_info.php?products_id=639


I know jahme about this but that was the error in Logic when i import a project from pc version of logic 5.5!!


Thank you..

Nothing ;) ...


I did tried with new project, coreaudio but same error message, when i try to record and no voice when i push play button....

No error message when i push play(no sound either), but when i push record then error message "ASIO is not available", i tried this with MBox II as a soundcard....

i only know this to work in logic 7, but you need to go into the environment annd change absolutelyy every reference to asio into core audio. you do this by selecting and object (channel), by clicking on the tab at the bottom of it i think, and then changing the device to core audio. make sure you change audio instruments, busses, outputs etc. you will probably have to remove all of the crossed out vst and vsti plugs.


this should work.


if you can't find the environmennt lemme know and i'll try to take some screens of stuff to help you.


if all else fails, then the solution will be to export the audio as an omf file (make sure you use stereo interleve), export the midi, save all the channel strips and import it all into a clean logic 8 document. this definately works as i have done this from llogic 6, 7 and cubase sx3 into logic 8, on numerous occasions.


lemme know how you get on.

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