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Just came across this the other day:



(NSFW, the language is pretty bad)


I don't know about you, but I think it pretty much sums up the sort of hatred and stupid ideas that people have nowadays, and that the internet is making is showing that by giving them anonymity and an audience.


Also, most the people in the video are young, male and American -_-

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seriously, that has got to be the worst representation of America (and humans) you could possibly find (other than a KKK meeting).


the anonymity, the age group, and the halo environment generally bring out the worst in people.


and who says that they were mostly (or at all) American?

That's not homophobia, that's funny!


Just kidding, I'll agree that those people are very offensive but the name 'xxxGayBoyxxx' is just asking for trouble. I added him on my Xbox-Live friends but unfortunately his friends list is full. Halo 3 on Xbox Live is a lot of fun; Racist and anti-{censored} chats are frequently brought up, but they're hysterical! I'm not racist or homophobic but I almost always laugh when an offensive chat begins. This is similar to race jokes, sure they're terrible but they're damn funny.




'You give a bad name to {censored} people' LOL


This is similar to race jokes, sure they're terrible but they're damn funny.
I agree. Racist jokes are the funniest. Oh and Sex jokes.
why is it that gamers always use {censored} as an insult?

I use '{censored}' daily in my vocabulary. Like 'God damn this is so {censored}' or 'The way apple overcharges for their computers is really {censored}'. When I use it that way, I don't mean homosexual I guess I just mean like lame or bad.

I agree. Racist jokes are the funniest. Oh and Sex jokes.


Yeah, I use southern in my vocabulary in the same way. When I say southern, I don't mean inbred hicks who can't spell, I mean lame or bad. Everyone around where I live associates the south with lame or bad, so it works. It's not a pejorative against southerners. In fact, I have southern friends. But they aren't inbred or hicks, so they don't really count as southerners.

I'm pretty sure the 360 and halo3 splits people up and sets games based on not only their level of play but also their geographic location so that's probably why most of those people are 'american'. come on though, you give yourself the name gayboy you can't expect to get anything less than constant mockery. Whenever I've been on 360 all i tend to hear it was sounds like 12 year old kids talking $h!t, this is the main reason I don't even have speech/audio enabled while I play online, it's just annoying more than anything...

Just came across this the other day:



(NSFW, the language is pretty bad)


I don't know about you, but I think it pretty much sums up the sort of hatred and stupid ideas that people have nowadays, and that the internet is making is showing that by giving them anonymity and an audience.


Also, most the people in the video are young, male and American -_-


LOL. :shock::hysterical: :hysterical:


I love freedom of speech.

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