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Hello Everyone,


I have gotten Mac OS X 10.4.6 to work now (half-supported audio and ethernet but it works!), but system 10.4.6 is a bit old now, and i would like to use itunes, which seems to only work for 10.4.7 or higher. Since i dont want to have to do multiple upgrades all over again, I am aiming to upgrade to system 10.4.9 or 10.4.10. The higher i can get the better.


I am willing to risk my installation for this, and I will not scream at anyone if my computer dies. The only problem is that I would really, really not like to download files greater than 600-900 MB, as my internet is REALLY slow (16 kbps).


Any bit of help, no matter how small, is appreciated. If you need some other information just tell me and i will igve it to you.


Thanks in advance.

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There are 2 updaters you can use to update to 10.4.9/10.4.10 and they are all under 400MB but all of them require and Intel CPU. The ones you can use depend on whether your CPU supports SSE2 and/or SSE3:


10.4.9 Updaters


JaS 10.4.9 Combo Intel SSE3 Only


10.4.10 Updaters


Koolkal 10.4.10 Intel Combo SSE2 & SSE3 V2

Hey! You joined on my birthday! (OK, back to the real world)

Well, im not really sure how to do it, bu i think you backup the extensions by dragging the extensions folder in /System/Library to another place on your hard disk, and you back up the kernel by copying the /mach_kernel file to another place on your hard drive... you have to use the terminal for the kernel i think.

How to back up your extensions and kernel:


Open Terminal and type in these commands pressing enter after each one:


sudo -s

[enter password]

cp /mach_kernel /mach_kernel.backup

cp -R /System/Library/Extensions /System/Library/Extensions.backup


Then install the updater I recommended (yes its the best for your system).

How to back up your extensions and kernel:


Open Terminal and type in these commands pressing enter after each one:


sudo -s

[enter password]

cp /mach_kernel /mach_kernel.backup

cp -R /System/Library/Extensions /System/Library/Extensions.backup


Then install the updater I recommended (yes its the best for your system).


Soooo after the 10.4.10. Koolkal update I got an ACPI panic message. How do I go back and apply the old Kernel and extensions? Cause I'm on my 3 reinstall here and I don't want to have to go in for a 4th. :wacko:

I guees you will have to insert the install DVd, but when you get to the installer, go to the utilities menu, and then use the terminal to restore all the stuff... however, i have no clue how to mount the hd from the installer DVD...


Oh, and thanks pcwiz, the 10.4.10 update worked perfectly on my system.

You can boot in single user mode and restore the stuff. There are instructions once you've booted into single user mode on how to mount the hard drive. An easier way to restore the stuff would be to boot Windows and install MacDrive on it then go into your Mac HD/Partition and restore your old kexts and kernel.

  • 2 weeks later...

I`ve installed koolkals 10.4.10 update with 8.10.1 kernel but after reboot it is stuck on kernel loading , sais panic on ACPI and when trying to load kernel just freeses.

please help, advice or any word.

PS i`ve ugraded from JaS 10.4.8 upgrade, and wanted new kernel but this happened..

Hmmm....looks OK. Its a problem with the newer kernel and maybe the extensions. Did you backup the kernel and extensions so that you can restore them?


Yeah, the Koolkal update backs them up for you. But I kept the 10.4.9 kernel (in Koolkal) and just did the 10.4.10 updates. I chose not to install the extra drivers, since I suspected the ICH8 driver to be causing the problem. I finally got windows XP installed after about 3 days of repairing/backing up files, the only problem was that I had to reinstall OSX with my JaS 10.4.8 DVD to do the backups. I have updated with the included JaS 10.4.9 and that is where I have left my install thus far.


I also followed your earlier advice and installed Mac Drive 7. It's a god send.


Is there another way to update it to 10.4.10 or is there even a benefit? I mainly would like to have it so that I can run iWork 08. And all the torrent sites I run to seem to only have the serial for the trial version of the software. Soooo even with Pacifist I can't edit the reference file to look for 10.4.9 instead of 10.4.10. That's another topic for another forum.



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