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Hi all, I know im not the first and only one with this problem.

I've been reading for the last few days about this problem and how to dual boot osx on a pc, but nothing work.


Heres my pc config(if it can do anything):


Asus P5K

2 x 1 Corsair 6400

2 x 320 gb WD hdd

LG cheap ass cd/dvd drive

Sapphire Radeon HD2900xt 512mb

I use 10.4.8 AMD.Intel.SSE2.SSE3 burned onto a dvd


Im curently running VISTA Ultimate 64 bit has my first OS.


My Partitions are as follow


Disk 1:

System(100gb) - NTSC

Data(200gb) - NTSC


Disk 2:

Mac OS X (80gb) - FAT32

Shared Folder (to share between windows and mac) -(50gb) FAT32

Data2 (170gb) - NTSC


Now where I get stuck, is when I put the osx installation cd. (I make sure to put the boot priority to my cd/dvd drive)

It says " .boot.apple.plist' not found " (without the " ").

Now if I press f8 it then gives me a weird message.

The only thing I can do after is to press Enter, and it brings back .boot.apple.plist' not found error message.



Any idea of what would cause this issue? Any help would be GREATLY Appreciate.

-I know the dvd works (It worked on my friend Dell XPS laptop)

-Could be something not compatible of my hardware?

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Heres the message it gives me if I press enter during the " .boot.apple.plist' not found " error message.

hd(255,0) Ethernet PXE Client..

It tells me to press enter to boot x86 darwin, if I do so I get back the the error message.


Also one more thing, at the error message, I can type stuff besige " boot:"

I've tried ? for help and -v for diagnostic but none of them worked.


Shogunprotege, whats your motherboard/chipset?


For the sata controller, ill check when I get back to home, but im pretty sure its ich6 also.

ill try that, i have a server board 7525 chipset... i set it active with the mac disk, ill try with the gparted cd next..that fixed that problem when you go into fdisk on the mac disk, do this,go into terminal and type diskutil listsee what hdd its on and partitiontype fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0 <== where the 0 is put ur disk numberthen type pfind the partition (mine is on partition 2)then type f 2 (or the partion where 2 is)the type writeexitreboot my next problem is i have a b0 errorDo we boot to the efi partion or the mac hfs partition?

First, my partition is set to active and its formated in fat32


Shogunprotege, could you please be a bit more specific with what you did?

Where you able to boot the osx install disk?


But anyway i've tried (which seem to do the same thing as you did??) But anyhow it still gave me the same error message.



4. Click ‘START > Run…’ and type ‘diskpart’ (without quotes)


5. Type in (press enter after you typed in a line):


list disk

select disk [the number of your disk]

create partition primary id=af

list partition

select partition [the number of your new osx partition]

active (if this doesn’t work, try ’set active’ without quotes)

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