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I installed pacifist on my ibook g4 and i was looking through the Tiger installation CD's. It seems ike i can add the files i need in each of the description plists and edit localized strings.... change the description and welcome RTF's to just change those parts of the installer. I am just guessing that when OS installer loads, it automatically detects other packages within it? To remove items, would i just remove from cd(ok that was dumb question, thats how you strip it to one dvd...) add files in same process? lets say, i want to install office at that time also, please give me instruction on what i would need to change....


For the kernel, would replacing the one already on the cd with developer(semthex 8.8.1) kernel fix that problem?


BTW - When i extract OS install.mpkg from pacifist, will that extract all the resource files also? how would I recreate the installer package?


And i know how to do custom icons, background color, yada... look wise.... (just change view options, right? i mean they will store in the .dsstore before burning)


My best hope would be starting off with uphucks packages and add them to my dvd....



Inform me if i am wrong about anything/everything.... am i making too many presumptions?


Thank you KALYWAY for inspiring me with your beautiful DVD's


Thank you to all develepors who wish to repond.

wait a minute... you wanna install macos from an hacked dvd on a PPC mac?


use the original disc, an hacked one will never work


and what you wanna do? add files on a dvd with pacifist?

you can't add files on a dvd this way

I again was looking through the installer, this time searching for the osinstaller.dist file i need to edit. I cant seem to find it in pacifist.


How would i extract this file from the installer? do i need to extract the whole installer and rebuild it?

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