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Hi !


My Hard Disk is not detected by the Mac Osx86 installer(s).

I've heard that I need a SATA Patch for NForce Chipstets (I have a nForce 590 Chipset but the nForce 4 Sata Patch would apparently work).


But I don't find this Patch, the link on the official Wiki is broken.

Is somebody know where to find this ? Or someone can upload it and give me the link ?


I have also another question about this patch : how to use it ? Have I to integrate it to the installer (I would use UpHuck 1.4.9 ri3 or Jas 10.4.8) ?


Thank you a lot !

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Re-hi :(


I've downloaded this patch : http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...985&hl=sata

I would like to know how to use this SATA patch ... Have I to put it in the installation ?

Or what have I to make with this patch ? Can you indicate me what I have to do ?


Thank you a lot !


Its hard to install the patch onto the DVD. It involves editing the Extensions.mkext on the DVD blah blah blah. The Uphuck 1.4iR3 comes preloaded with the nForce4 SATA patch. If you already have OS X installed and running on your computer, then you could easily install the patch you downloaded, but it seems that you have not installed OS X so bottom line:


Try the Uphuck 1.4iR3 DVD.

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