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You're in some {censored} boy. Drugs. That's you're future. Seriously, try to fight it, you'll lose and you will become a crack head or something. Either way.... go buy some cocaine and stop {censored} around online.

bahhahahah ;) too late, havnt tried coke yet but i have done some others.... fun stuff!'


lol if I were you the first thing I'd do is pound whoever ratted me out into a pulp :)

then i'd go to Japan. Don't ask.

I fully intend on that and the Deccan, he was all in my face and {censored}, im gonna break his legs, good thing i dont buy into that catholicism thingy...



and i may look into this certification thing.

Emigrate to a country where proper education is free for everybody and getting expelled once is no real biggie. Get your A-level (or whatever you call it where you are) and you have the choice to go to University and then on a well paid job, or alternatively, get a job immediately with rubbish pay or why not straight on unemployment?... ;)

best of luck

Best thing is to get a certification, trust me. What unstable Connection said is all 100% true, get a cisco CCNA, sure it needs lots of studying but thats whats cramming is for, sit the exam, and pow, you got urself a certification, just go to http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/netacad/index.html

if i got expelled from school. i would...


A) Sleep

:rolleyes: At least try to get into a public high school, and work hard to get another chance at going to college

C) Get a job

D) Get a cert


also, what were you planning do to with these master keys BTW?

Edited by Jeezoflip
also, what were you planning do to with these master keys BTW?

senior prank (a-la breaking and entering then building a non removeable statue with quickcrete in the office) now its more like REVENGE, i do have a copy of the door key, but none of the others :) now all i gotta do is make about 20 copys and drop em off to my old cohorts. i cant wait! and AllOutMacsToday, they check ebay.... and no one would look there for keys.... hmmm what to do for revenge? maybe something out of the anarchists cookbook (yes... i know most of its bull... but some of it has some basis) any ideas for revenge anyone? oh, and im trying to get into public school, and since we paid all that $ to go to watterson they offered to let me "withdraw" so it wouldnt go on my permanent record :rolleyes: i did.

If your school has a swimming pool, go buy a bunch of jello, go in, and dump it in the pool. Or, go rent a bunch of cows or something and let them in the door, lock it, and then have them walking around the school when they come in.

If your school has a swimming pool, go buy a bunch of jello, go in, and dump it in the pool. Or, go rent a bunch of cows or something and let them in the door, lock it, and then have them walking around the school when they come in.

BAHAHHAH, but i was thinking something more.... distructive, (and we dont have a pool, and i live near the city, not out in the farmlands, so a cows out)

i probably am on the same road as bwsh8r (i think i spelled that right). sucsefully evaded 12 maintanance guys who where looking for me in the restricted part of the basement. oh, and i have a rubbing of the master key

  • 5 months later...
man im screwed. any advice on what to pass the time with?

Yes, pick up a copy of: "God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" by Christopher Hitchens. When you go back, giv'em hell.

(damn bunch of dressed-up penquins)

  • 4 weeks later...
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