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Marvell Yukon on 915GEVLK Issues


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Currently running JaS 10.4.7 on my hackintosh, and having issues with the Marvell Yukon onboard NIC that came included with my 915GEVLK. Did some research on these friendly boards, but didn't come up with anything that worked (downloaded both forcedeth and m.musashi, but neither worked...)


Given that I've tried both kexts, should I be unloading/deleting a kext when I install a new one? Are these the correct kexts to be installing for the card?


Any help is always useful. Gracias.

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find your IONetworkingFamily.kext in your HD> System>Library>Extensions

open and show package contents with right click or conrol click.

go into contents>plugins

scroll to the bottom and find AppleYukon.kext

and show package contents

go into contents

now grab the info.plist in there and drag it to the desktop.


now open the info.plist with text edit then change this: (its gonna be a little vauge till i look at my notes)



change to



and change

<string>Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8053</string>


<string>Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8050</string>


and the last and final edit





now you can save the file.

drag it back to: your HD>System>Library>Extensions>IONetworkingFamily.kext>Contents>Plugins>AppleYukon.kext>Contents


now open terminal and enter the following:

sudo -s (press enter)
  your password (press enter)
  sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/ (press enter)
  sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/ (press enter)
  diskutil repairPermissions / (press enter)
  cd /System/Library (press enter)
  sudo rm -rf Extensions.mkext Extensions.kextcache (press enter)


now exit terminal and reboot

open network preference pane in system preferences and a new port should pop up.

Edited by DiaboliK
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on a 915GEVLK board here as well. My AppleYukon.kext has been modified to work since 10.4.3.

Right now I'm running 10.4.9 with no problems except that if I'm not using the network connection in any way (no internet surfing or torrenting), the connection turns off. System Profiler says that the network cable is not plugged in. Any ideas?


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  • 3 weeks later...
find your IONetworkingFamily.kext in your HD> System>Library>Extensions

open and show package contents with right click or conrol click.

go into contents>plugins

scroll to the bottom and find AppleYukon.kext

and show package contents

go into contents

now grab the info.plist in there and drag it to the desktop.



Thanks a bunch, DiaboliK this worked on my Toshiba M55-S329 laptop. At least I can use ETH0, now on to get my Intel 2200BG WiFi working...

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