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Whine of the Week!

A Nonny Moose

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Man, I found this one through Macworld. Basically, this whiney biznotch posted MySapce USERNAMES and PASSWORDS and is now whining because his site got shut down by his hosting service for posting USERNAMES and PASSWORDS.


So now he continues to whine, instead of taking it in stride, stating


"It would be easiest just to cease archiving that list, but I do think it

serves an important purpose in keeping the industry honest. And many

good postings do make it through if you can filter out all the junk.

So I'm keeping it, no matter how "morally objectionable" GoDaddy and

MySpace may think it to be!"


Well, I'm sorry, but posting usernames and passwords isn't "keeping things honest."

Edited by A Nonny Moose
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Now wait, it gets better!


Someone other then the owner of the site posted illegal content in one of the site's forums. Instead of asking the owner of the site to remove the material, as is the proper protocol for something like this, the registrar just took down the site.


Whatever happened to the owner of the site being responsible for things that are posted to the site?

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