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Getting to dual-boot


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I've already read a few guides to get the possibility back of getting to my Windows XP and at the same time also Mac OSX. So I've installed the 10.4.7 JaS version, worked on first try without any problems. But the problem is now I can't manage to get to my Windows XP anymore.


Both OS's are on a different HD and I can only get to my Mac OSX atm, since it automatically boots that after startup.


What's the easiest way to solve this?

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Press F8 at boot and get to the OSX bootloader. When you boot OSX, first the screen turns black and then grey with a spinning icon. As soon as the screen turns black, start tapping the F8 key rapidly and repeatedly until a command prompt appears. You will see the bootloader.




Also, setting the Timeout parameter will force the Darwin (OSX) bootloader to appear so that you can choose OSX or Windows to boot.

Boot into OSX.


Edit the boot.plist file at "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist" and add the following:





You can edit the file by dragging it to the Desktop and editing it with TextEdit, then dragging it back, answering the 2 resulting dialogs - Authenticate and yes to replace, then followed by using Disk Utility to repair permissions on the OSX partition.


Or you can do it via Terminal with this command:

sudo nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist

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