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How To Install OSX86 with Full video acceleration


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Hi guyz,


After spending 12 hours straight, I found a way to go around the NO USB issues for some of you who are having problems after installing the new JaS 10.4.8 SSE3 Intel Only DVD ISO.


1) Create 2 Partitions


2) Install 10.4.7 into the first partition (Boot up and do the standard configuration for localization)


3) Install 10.4.8 into the second partition ( DO NOT boot from it after installing, for now that is)


4) Booting from the first partition, download the USB Patches from apple's website via Apple USB Patch

Take the first one from the top ( Thanks FishMonger For The Tip! )


5) Manually Extract the files and do a replace in the rightful folders on your second partition.


6) copy the latest Titan.Kext into the extensions folder for the second partition. [Download Titan.Kext 4th November]


7) drop to terminal, do the permissions and owner thingy for titan.kext in the second partition.

Either you do a cd /system/library/extensions first then type;


(chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/ titan.kxt;chmod -R 755 titan.kext)


OR you can just do the following from the 2nd partition.


(chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/titan.kxt;chmod -R 755 titan.kext)


8) Run Disk utilities and do a repair on the 2nd partions to correct any permissions and owner stuff that is left over by step 5.


9) Reboot your Mac using your 2nd Partition ( Here, I assume you have dun your grub editing or lilo or whatever, I won't go into this bit.)


10 ) Your USB will work hence, keyboard mouse will function.


Do feel free to drop me a note if you run into any issues. This guide is of course for those who have the USB issue. :2cents:


Hope you guys find it useful!


Signing off..


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