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i have Asus Rog GL553VD : I7 7700 HQ - HD630 + GTX1050M (4GB RAM DDR5 ) + 12GB DDR4 ram + 128 GB SSD M.2 + 1TB sata 

in pci list === 

  CM238 HD Audio Controller 

  Vendor ID: 0x8086

  Device ID: 0xa171

  Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x1043

  Subsystem ID: 0x15e0

  Revision ID: 0x0031

-----and in DPCIManager------



i used 1.2.5 LILU + AppleALC only work 1.2.7

when i used it i have so best audio but my microphone doesn't work .


when i used vooodohda 

i have so low audio with noise but microphone work so goood .


when i run code for patch AppleALC , patch says model is ALC235 . but patch doesn't fix my microphone .



===========>now how can i fix microphone ??

Edited by darkbluecode
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40 minutes ago, darkbluecode said:

yes . installed on L/E and in clover/kexts/other

Don't use same kext on both locations. That does not make any sense...

You can use appleALC+LILU for audio output and voodooHDA for microphone. Same thing that I need to solve on my laptop :lol:


Use search. Also the coddecCommander might need some additional settings/own profile...

1 hour ago, Toooorch said:

Don't use same kext on both locations. That does not make any sense...

You can use appleALC+LILU for audio output and voodooHDA for microphone. Same thing that I need to solve on my laptop :lol:


Use search. Also the coddecCommander might need some additional settings/own profile...

tell more please 

only we can use applealc or vooodohda !! we can't use this kexts in one time .

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