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Need help after installing 10.4.8 kernel


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I installed the semthex kernel and now sound, broadcom gigabit, and ps/2 drivers say that they are installed improperly.


I have soundmax sound and Broadcom Intergrated Gigabit 57xx. I need to get them working again.


edit: nVidia Geforce 6600 like totally works after installing Titan.kext with QE/CI.


I'm using a Dell Dimension 8400 with a Intel 925x motherboard.

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Without details of the process you used to install the new kernel, it is hard to say.


But first things I would try are to repair permissions and remove the Extensions.mkext and Extensions.kextcache files and reboot.


If that doesn't work, then some specific permissions repair is needed. Remember, some of the kexts like Broadcom Ethernet are hidden inside another kext (IONetworkingFamily.kext). You need to repair permissions on the kext that contains the kext you are using.


Go into Terminal (in Utilities folder) and type:

cd /System/Library/Extensions

-- repeat the following 2 lines for each kext
sudo find (name-of-kext).kext -type d -exec /bin/chmod 0755 {} \;
sudo find (name-of-kext).kext -type f -exec /bin/chmod 0644 {} \;

cd /System/Library
rm -rf Extensions.mkext Extensions.kextcache

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I installed the offical Apple Update for 10.4.8 using pacifist on my existing 10.4.7 installation. Then I copied the old kext described in the insructions and replaced the AppleSMBIOS.kext. Then I copied the Semtex mach_kernel to the hard drive and repaired permissions. Then, booted using -v -legacy and it like totally booted correctly. I had to disable built in ethernet because it was making the boot halt.


I like totally have more problems. System Profiler does not show any infomation on hardware and shows error "There was an error while gathering this infomation."


Also, how do I hide mach_kernel. It looks totally arkward having it visible.


Fixed: Broadcom kexts, but still AppleAC97Audio.kext does not work. It also complains about AppleAC97AudioIntelICH.kext as well not being installed properly.


Fixed: Sound now works. Done sudo chown -R root:wheel AppleAC97Audio.kext ; sudo chmod -R 755 AppleAC97Audio.kext

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