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I have installed 10.4.7 onto my HP zv6100 and everything has been working great. My osx will sometimes boot very slow and other times boot in about 15 seconds. After a slow boot my cpu speed shows up as 1 GHZ when it shows up as 1.99 GHZ after every fast boot. I have a feeling that this is due to the PowerNow on my Athlon 64 3200+. How can I gaurentee that my Mac os x boots and runs as fast as possible? Thanks in advance.





If you think that the power management could be picky you could try to disable

it in the bios to see if it makes a dfference or not.


How can I gaurentee that my Mac os x boots and runs as fast as possible? Thanks in advance.


- take the kernel for your cpu features (for example the sse3 kernel for an sse3 cpu)

- carefully delete the kexts that you dont need (some of them are handbrakes, do a kextstat and move them in a backup folder)

- go to your user configuration in the system prefs and have a look what is autostarted


thats basically it :D

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